November 1920 School Magazine

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November, 1f920.


Hospital Notes.

Although contributions to the Red Cross Society have now ceased, we continue to sup- port the two Grammar School cet at thl. Children's Hospital, avnd to this end we still give a "penny a week." On th whole the girls are fairly regular with their small con- tributions, but even yet there are some who

seem to be rather lax in fulfilling what has now become an obligation upon every mem- ber of the B.G.G.S. However, it is to be hoped that this will be rectified and the mc.intenance of the cots will coutinue as long as the school stands. G. S.

Patriotic Work.

Since the closing of the Red Cross Kitchen all our Friday collecting energy has been ex- pended on 'behalf of the B.G.8. War Memorial Fuad, and the result is that for the whole year we have a total of over £20. Occasionally, however, the War Memorial gives place to a stronger appeal, and we de- vote the weekly offering to the Creche and Kindergarten or to the "Save the Children' Fund

Another patriotic work which the school is eagerly taking up is the making of garments for destitute Serbian children; these are to be sent in time for Christmas. Enthusiasm for war-saving has almost en- tirely died out, and the amount for this year sl only £70, bringing the total up to £540 for two-and-half years. K. C. B.

What Are the Girl Guides ?

damrper (black with ashes) placed on a fiat stone in the fire, and billy tea without milk. On Joining one must make the Guide Prom- ise. It is as follows:-"On my honour I promise that I will do my best." To do my duty to God anti the King. To help other people daily, and obey the Guide Law." How about forming a patrol in your own district? To do so you must have a captain over twenty-one. Further Information may be got from the Guiders. K. Grimes and D. Beanland. TWO GIRL GUIDES. TO A JACARANDA. Pale purple echoes of the sweet wistaria, Widespreading tree, with myriad clustering bells; Each softly dropping cup, flower-carpets weaving, Fierce summer's heat, pathetically foretells. M. B. (III. B.) -- -3|13 --

The Girl Guides are a sisterhood. This means that members of it from the highest to the lowest are working together as sis- ters-elder and younger sisters-from joy of the work. As we are not very well known we shall take this opportunity to tell you a little about ourselves. We are the only troop in Brisbane. and consist of about 40 members, including the Brownies, who are the younger members of the troop. We meet every Saturday afternoon to bring the girls togetlfer, and occupy their tinme better than it might otherwise be occupied. The object of the Guides is to supply healthy play and recreation. But play when organised need not be rviste of time. Our uniform is navy blue and it is the aim of every girl to decorate her uniform with well earned badges. We are taught to cook, sew and many other useful things. Often times we go out camping, and, Oh! the tea we cook-t would make anyone's mouth water, to hear of It. Potatoes baked In the coals, susages tried between two sticks.,

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