November 1920 School Magazine



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NovnaLdr, 180.

Library Notes.

Another point which is rather aggravating ('perhaps also to the members themselves as well M the llbrarians) is a marked teadency, particularly ti the ease of lower school mem- bers, not to Join the library until the term is nearly ended. Possibly this, too, is due to the coming exams. ,Historical novels and most of the classics have been much in de- mand. We are also pleased to note that the mrany Interesting new books which have been added lately, many of whifh are especi- ally suited to the Lower School, are being well appreciated. We might also add here that itf anyone desiring to present a book to the lib- rary would present school stories in prefer- ence to other books we would be most grati- fied, as the demand for these is very large, and the supply very insufficient. In conclusion let us add that although the number of subscribers has increased lately we hope to see a much larger increase next year, as the library'really contains very many excellent books well worth reading, both for pleasure and profit. We arm able to say with pride that the boarders were among the ,. ners at our own sports, while three of them were among the chosen few to compete In the Interachool sports. We are also well represented nlaour form teams, both tennis and basket ball. We take this opportunity of congratulating Dor- een and Nell on passing their music exams. This half we have revisited many of our old picnic haunts, and we wish to thank the resident mistresses for tasing us for such enjoyable outings. Many of us are proud ipossessor of snap albums, and on their pages may be seen snaps with titles such as these: "The Prince at the Rxhlbtlon," and "Teddy at the Domain." These were secured by the lucky owners as souvenirs of the Prince's visit Ia August. Who will forget that day when we waved our flags and cheered His Royal Highness la company with the other schools? In concluding we wish the Sealor sad Jun- ior candidates the beat dl success in their coming exaus.

Durtig the recent l'heavvals In the school, even the library hs,-aot escaped the general eruption, and in the place it once occupied now stand plebeian wash basins. Instead of the modedt seclusion once enjoyed behind closed doors, it now stands ever open to the common gaze, and, we are sorry to say, also to the common touch, and often we have to remind anxious seekers that "Hands Off" is a rule to be observed. Having now even ac- quired a small step-ladder we are quite highly- finished librarians, and standing thereon 'we feel it adds to our dignity when we inquire the age of some youthful applicant. But we di- gress. Let us speak of more serious matters. There has been a slow and steady increase in the number of members, but we wish to remind one and all that the time to retain a book is one week, not half a term, though perhaps the forthcoming exams. and the neces- sity for much "hrain fag" in the way of Maths. takes all thought of non-returned library books from many minds, and we sin- cerely hope that the transgressors will be- have better in the future. After midwinter the family was reinforced by twelve "newles," bringing our number up to thirty-three, but the babes have departed and now we are thirty. Among these we have found some to possess poetical talent. Some of our members have lately quoted "Wlmi en te poll." which they have probably extracted from the chatterlngs of our "Great Greek genius" who resides in our midst. To relieve the monotony of our after- noon prmecnade, we occupy our time by counting "Zlpihs," and are very Indignant it one of our party sights a "chow," tor then we have to begin again. A few of us also at- tempted to count fflty white horses, but we eacountetted so many ple-balds that we gave it up In despair. One Saturday night our amateur dramatic society entertained Miss Maekay and Miss Pate at our first perform- s*e, when we found some promising actresses ("The Tea Little Nigger Boys"), who will be of great use nlathe future.

Boarders' Notes.







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