1913 School Magazine

Brisbane Girls' Grammar School, December. 1913.

sented by Dr . Brockway early in the year . Old pupils will be glad to hear news of Miss Wilkinson, who sent by last mail interesting post caras from Wiltshire, where she was then staying after a sojourn in Cumberland among the Lakes, befor e going on to Devonshire. The advent of the magazine may help to brighten the last quarter, which is always a kind of nightmare, with its Senior and Junior examinations, not to mention lhe annual insp2ction and the

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E have the honour 6~ W ushering in the first school magazine of the



B.G.G.S., and hope that many will help its infant steps by enthusiastic


support and by literary contributions, so that we may be as proud' of , tOle magazine as with just cause we are of the school, whic'h has long passed the days of its childhood. On th'e last .day of February every year, we cele-

Girls' Grammar School, Gregory Terrace.

J:>rate its .foundation, of which, in a, later number ,ve may, perhaps, giv~ an account. On special days we fly now our hand- some Union Jack, which was unfurled for the firsL time last year by the Go- vernor-General, Lord Denman. The story of the school life of this year may be gathered from the Form and Sports Notes . The school rejoined the Schools' Assoc:iation this year, and was successful in winning the Brockway Cup, which, together with small sou- v enir cups to the winners, was pre-

Chir;stmas examina tions- and this just when we are all in a 'melting mood.' We should like to wish success to the 'Women 's Coll ege, about to be in- augurated, with the hope that some of our girls will 'be able to take advantage of . its opportunities" and to ,concIud:e with heartiest good wishes for success to candidates for University and .other examinations, ana. to those who are leav- ing school (with which they can still keep in touch: by joining the Old Girls' Association); and to all we wish a happy hol~day " a fter long striving'."ยท

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