1913 School Magazine
Tru.teea: ]. S. WOOLCOCK, Esq.,. B.A., Chairman. J. LOCKHART GlBS€);N, ,, Esq" M.D., Vice.-Chainmul. LIEUT.-COLONEL C. F. PLANT, F.R.A .S, Hon. Treasurer. W. J. BYRAM, Esq. M. G. HAYMEN, Esq. E. R. CROUCH, Esq. J. STODART, Esq., M.L.A . Head Miatre•• : MISS M. ATKINSON WILLIAMS, B.A. (Univ. of Lond~n).
Fees: DAY SCHOLARs.-For each girl over 12 years of age
per quarter £4 4 0- £3 3 0 £10 10 o· "
For each girl under 12 years of age
BOARDERs.-In addition to School Fees (including Laundry)
:each' year, and ther.e are various \Uni- versity and other prizes competed for annually. SCHOOL SPORTS" ETC. Tennis, ,Basket Ball. Swim'ming, Life-· saving, Rowing, Gardening (for Board- ers), Club-swinging, Swedish Drill. The' school has thr,ee Tennis Courts and a Basket Ball Court, and the Public Swim- ming Bath is within three minutes' walk of the scnoo!. All boarders a-ce under the pernonal care of tire Head Mistress, a,sslsted' by a competent Matron ,and Dormitory Mis- tress. The school is situated at an elevation of 192 feet above sea and is practically in Victoria P,ark, which it adjoins on two sides. Arrangements have recently been macle by whicn girls whose parents desire it may sleep out of doors, on a properly fi tted-up veran- dah. The school has recently been fitted with mod,ern teaching apparatus and school furniture, and is thoroughly well equipped for the repuirements or a sound, education for girls. ' Pupils are received in the lower scho?l from the age of eight years, provIded t.hat they can read, write legibly from dictation, and work ex- ample in the four simple rules.
In the case of two members of the same family attending the scbiool, a re - duction of lOs. 6d. each, and in the case of thme members or more a re- duction of £1 1s. each is made. ' The same reduction is made in respect of girls, a member or members of whos'e fami ly is or , (Ire attending the Brisbane Grammar School for Boys. EXTRA SUBJECTS. Violin, £3 3s.; Piano, £2 2s.; Solo- singing, £2 2s.; Pai~ting (in upper school), £1 1s.; Danomg, £1 1s. , A hot luncheon is provided for day, pupils at the charge of £2 2s. per quarter. CURRICULUM. The school curriculum is a compre- hensive ,one, and includes Classics, Mathematics, Botany, Physics , Modern Languag'es, Geog'faphy, English in all its branches, Dravving, Theory of Music, Class Singing, Book-keeping, Shorthand, Typewriting, S.wimming', Gymnastics, Physical Exercises, and in the lower school Needle Work. Brush Work', Elo- cution and Morris-dancing. The pupils are prepared for the Ex - arhinations of the University of Queens- land, the Civil Service and the Royal Associated Board of Music. The Trus- tees offer three vaillable Scholarships,
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