1913 School Magazine
Dec.) 1913-
B.G. G.S. and Great Yarmouth. lOME years ago we were invited ~ to join a correspondence league of Colonial and Eng'lish )'lchools -to help tq , bind the E~pire tog'ether I We agreed, . and the, correspondent allotted to us was Great , 'Yarmouth. At first this conjured up simply thoughts of 'bloaters,' and a vague idea that there was a place called Yarmouth Roads, wnereas we had dreamed of some place ruin-besprinkled, or ennobled with stately cathedral, or rich in historical associations. However, we found when we began our ,corresponoence that not far away. on Household Hill, Ket tried neighbour- in~ landholders for 'enclosing commons,' and welle reminded that Ham: and' Little Em'ly belonged there, and many other interesting, things. ' For a time the correspondence was kept up with great fervour, the B.G.G.S. giving an account of itself and its coun- try to Great Yarmouth, and vice versa. Some enthusiastic spirits even sug- gested a monthly letter, instead of the quarterly one written at first; but after having explained thems:elves to one an- other, news on both sides, unless some- thing special happened, began to grow scarce, and there was much deliberat- ing, and biting of pen-handles when the time came to write the epistle. ' But as well as representative post. cards, many souvenirs have been sent. S0me will remember the beautiful col - laction of buUerflies sent one ,year by III. A, some of them rare, and all scien- 'tifically classified. Then the Fifth Form of two years ago, being inspired to noble pHorts, brou.ght geographical specimens , shells and curios, which were carefully packed and despatched to the boat" but so weighty ,vas the offering that the fr eight was beyond their pockets, and the box had to be brought back and lightened. • Then one year a photo- graphically inclined FOUrth Form sent an ,interesting booklet of photographs ·taken by themselves, showing various sides of our school hfe; and the year before last Form VI. sent a fairy · tale
written by one of its members and quaintly illnstrakd by an old girl. This we could have wi shed to keep for our- selves. 'Ve have had various souvenirs from, Great Yarmouth-books of wild flowers, feathers et c.) and one vear some beauti- fully got up books '" rith picture post, cards-the covers artistically decorated by themselVes: Of late our love ,seems to have grown cold-or is it that we have settled drown into sober friendship? Anyway, we send. them a heart~' Xmas. greeting, and' must send sume Xmas . souvenirs. This year has been a strenuous one And school for us has not been fun; We've had to work both night and day With very little time to play, Gymnastics we have had to take, Oh, how our every limb did ache ! 'Twas singing came before our Drill, Then how we yell ed with voices shrill I We sometimes sa t, WP sometimes stood; Wh ichever way ' twas not much good;- "Ye shepherds, tell me, " we'd all shout, ,"Haye you seen Flora here about?" When we had any time to spare, vVe to the four th cour t would repair And play a game qui te new to all: That bears the name of "Basket-Ball." Our girls were not so very tall, 81. Maggie's beat them one and all And Ip swich played us, still we lost, The ball, more oft than we, they to ssed. And then the High S.chool twice we beat; Next, Ipswich suffered a defeat· And then-a gloriou s vctory- ' We bea t SI. Maggie's dreadfully. 0';1r Library is in full swing; MISS Mackay al\vays had to bring The lazy "6 B" in to mend The books when torn from end to end; Until the fir st six months expired They, with the work, wcre easily tired; But oh l, when "6 A" all withdrew The whdle work then they bad to do. In Tennis we'ye ' scored rapidly, No girls, than ours, could better be, Except the "Old Girl s," who were trained In this old school for tennis famed. The Brockway Cup, too, to US fell, Thanks to the girls who swam so well; With Ter.ni s, Swimming, Basket.ball There' s been good sport for one and all. Lines from VIa.
Our little Captain' s had a job To keep in order all our mob; "Uphold the honour of the school" Has ever been her steady rule .
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