1913 School Magazine
Dec., 1913.
.societv. The Union intends to furnish the common rooms, and has already :provided each common-room with: a tele- -phone and has purchased a piano, which lives in the men's common room. The piano has been a boon and a blessing to the Musical Society, which holds -weekly practices in the men's common .room. These practices have always been ·a source .of much enjoyment to the members of the society, in spite of op- position choruses thai have occasion- .ally been set up. · The Musical Society has a friendly rival in the Dramatic Society, which has justified its existence by the pro- ·duction of a play each . year, the first being Sheridan's "St Patrick's Day," the •second Robertson's "School." It is hardly too much to say that in add'ition to the tangible benefits derived from these public performance3, 1he practIces necessarily preceding them have done much to further social intercourse ·among the students. The .Debating Society began its ac- tivities during the second term of this year, and though the attendance lIt the weekly meet illc5s wa~ com'paratively small, the beginning has been made and the interest shown in the debates this year will increase as the number of stud ents increases and their ski ll in de - bating is developed. The Women' s Club exists for the pur- pose of fostering the social life bf the women stud ents and furthering their in- terestsin the Univers ity. It has justi- fied its existence in manv ways, but most clearly by its three a nnual func - tions, the first being a welcome to the fresher women, the second a sodal even- ing at which the staff and the men students are entertained, the third' a more formal even ing for women only, to which representative women in all branches of women's work are invited. As the r-hysical and social sides of Academic life are thus provided for , the ·Christian Union stands, as _its name would imply, for the development of the spiritual element in our nature, which tends to be overwhelmed by our daily · activities. The weekly meetings of the
Union and Bible Study Circles have proved a source of great interest and' benefit to the members. Apart from the scope for social inter- course afforded by such clubs as these, the men have the ,advantage of having three residential Colleges. The absence of College life among the women has been keenly felt for the past two years, and it is llOped that with the opening of the Women's College next March a new spirit will be infused into the life of the women as a whole-the outcome of a Collegiate atmosphere. The nearest approach to College life we Jave been able to enjoy this year is the delight of having' a Common Room that is large enough to move about in, in place of the small cloak room we had last year. Here we are ahle to .indulg·e in many pleasurable levities calculated to restore a proper balance after a morning's hard work. The common room is ruled with a rod of ironbv ' the women members of the common' roomcom'mittee, and' it js only the rashest of the rash who would dare to rebel against their august commands. A literary outle t for all .unappease'd' rebels .is affor ded by the University Magaz in e, to whose sympathetic columns the hot-headed undergraduate may carryall his grievances . The magazine is published once a -term, and herein may always be found current news of Univl'.rsity life. A brief summary of the chief activities ot Universi ty life is wholly inadequate to express or even faintly indicate the advantages that may be derived from a University career. It rests with you girl s now to uphold the honour of your school in the ranks of University 'Women, and to make it your aim to give to the University something of yourselves and your energies in return fOT the many advantages you get from it. . Success to your magazine, and a hearty welcome to all ·of you . who join the women at the University. AN OLD GIRL University, October 20th
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