2022 School Magazine
Georgia (Gigi) Souyave-Murphy (12W) and Isabel Stephens (12M)
A s Head Girls, we began our year filled with a great sense of hope. We had faith that the entire student body would support us—and each other—in ensuring that 2022 was not only a successful year, but a memorable one. We are glad to say that our hopes have been realised and fulfilled beyond what we could have ever imagined. Our 2022 Student Council first decided on three aspects we wanted to further develop and foster: spirit; inclusivity; and growth. From there, we created our motto— Bloom with the Blue . While short in length, our motto is big in meaning. We hoped it would inspire our Grammar sisters to strive for their own success—to bloom —with more confidence than ever before. We wanted them to be comforted and uplifted by the endless support of the School community and to be able to carry the motto and foundations they learned at Grammar wherever they go—even beyond the white picket fence. We wanted them to bloom and strive with the blue, never alone . Throughout the year, our goal of enhancing spirit, inclusivity, and growth in our community was met with triumph in all areas of Grammar life. Some notable highlights of the year include
every dress-up event in the pouring rain, our true Grammar spirit proved thoroughly unsinkable. We found that, like flowers, Grammar girls grow and bloom strongest after the most challenging seasons. We are incredibly grateful to have been guided under the wings of our Principal, Ms Jacinda Euler Welsh. Throughout this year, she has taught us the true meaning of leadership—to lead from both the front and the back—and has helped us greatly to grow as students and as Head Girls. Our gratitude also extends to our Dean of Students, Ms Melinda Egan, and Year 12 Coordinator, Ms Sarah Boyle. Their incredible selflessness and support have inspired us greatly this year. So, as we bid farewell to Brisbane Girls Grammar School, we wish all the girls the best as they continue their BGGS journey, carrying with them the lessons learned this year. We hope our Grammar sisters remember that wherever they are, wherever they go, and whomever they become, they will always have the support of BGGS behind them. They will always be able to Bloom with the Blue . Georgia (Gigi) Souyave-Murphy (12W) and Isabel Stephens (12M)
QGSSSA Swimming in Term 1 and Athletics in Term 3, as—according to multiple senior staff members—these competitions had the loudest, most enthusiastic BGGS cheer squads in recent memory. Students from all Year levels decorated their faces with blue paint and roared as they encouraged their Grammar sisters to greatness. This year also saw the introduction of talent shows, busking, and picnics to accompany our various Blue Days and Galantine’s Day celebrations, traditions we hope to see continued. Additionally, with the help of the amazing BGGS staff, 2022 saw the re-introduction of the much-anticipated Year 12 Bi-Grammar competition against Brisbane Grammar School. Our senior cohort eagerly participated in three separate rounds—Touch Football, a ‘Battle of the Bands’, and Netball— with Girls Grammar narrowly beating the boys next door 2-1. Reflecting on the year more generally as Head Girls, we could not be more proud of how every member of the BGGS community embraced all that this year had to offer despite its multiple challenges. It seems that, though we started with online learning, a flood, and seemingly had
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