2022 School Magazine
MATHS TEAM CHALLENGE H eld in Term 2 at Indooroopilly State High School, two junior and two intermediate teams, each consisting of five students, competed in the Maths Team Challenge. The competition involved two rounds—the Team Round and the Relay Round. In the Team Round, teamwork was crucial to solve all 10 questions in 45 minutes, with each correct answer scoring 10 points. In the Relay Round, team members worked in pairs, taking turns to solve one question at a time while their team nervously watched on. The aim was to finish 20 questions in 60 minutes while rotating seats every two questions. We were given five attempts to solve each question, receiving five marks if correct on the first try, four marks on the second, and so on, until no marks could be awarded. This round involved lots of movement and mathematics: a race against the clock with lots of lively activity and excitement. We were extremely lucky with one junior team and one intermediate team placing second in their divisions. Overall, it was an extremely fun, challenging, and mentally invigorating day, full of teamwork, laughter, and scrunched eyebrows. Emily Kua (9G) and Grace Gong (9O)
Junior Team—Second Place Alexis Cho (8M), Isabella Wang (8L), Alisa Wang (8R), Minuli Ilangamage (7H), Emily Chang (7O)
Intermediate Team—Second Place Grace Gong (9O), Sunnie Lin ((9M), Kathryn Petersen (10O), Kaiyu Su (10R), Emily Kua (9O)
O n 15 August, teams of Year 7 and 8 mathematicians participated in the QAMT Quiz. We enjoyed afternoon tea and introduced ourselves to our new teammates. The competition consisted of five rounds: written problems; estimation; speed; individual short answer; and general knowledge. Throughout the competition, excellent teamwork and critical thinking was displayed. Each team came out with outstanding results, but best of all, everyone was involved, having fun and socialising with new people. The results were close and a big congratulations should be given to all the participants. The top four teams progressed to the second round of the BGGS based competition. Congratulations to Jiya Dhanani (8L), Qiwen Mo (7O) and Elin Schulz (8R) who finished in first place. Overall, the QAMT Year 7 and 8 Quiz was enjoyable and not only showed the eagerness of all the students, but also helped everyone develop impressive maths skills. We are extremely grateful and would like to thank Mrs Mazzaglia and all the teachers who made this event possible. It was definitely one to remember. Jolina Chen (8R) and Isabella Wang (8L)
QAMT Year 7 and 8 Quiz Round 2 Competitors
QAMT PROBLEM-SOLVING COMPETITION T he QAMT problem-solving competition was both a challenging and exciting experience. The competition was held at BGGS and consisted of five questions completed in two hours. Twenty-one girls from Years 8 to 12 took part. It was a beneficial experience in terms of obtaining exposure to difficult and unfamiliar topics, as well as improving our problem-solving skills. Though the questions and the length of the competition were difficult, it was an extremely valuable opportunity to help stretch our abilities and think in different ways. This competition is also used to select students for further opportunities, such as the Australian Mathematics summer school and the Australian Mathematical Olympiad Committee’s training problem. We highly recommend anyone who enjoys maths and wants to improve their problem-solving skills, to participate in this fun, interesting, and valuable opportunity. Jacqueline Loh (9E) and Olivia Banh (9E)
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