Grammar Gazette- Issue 1, 1993

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Grammar's first eXchange teacher ^-^ Marcoj Bo^net -^^.^.^ Minimr nun. late in tire Gran^ ^, glintse tits year ts tint of the new Art teacher. fillss Sue O'^Iron Dintt rum EU^ st, e prom^, bugit Art at a primto hamming kiwi '' "^ re^Iy has nuny wits :ul intr, _ 1118 p, ranwivts to hang to mrscho" By un gad or 11er. year's stay. hits O'rubyrui I'm have lad the on"r omits. to slum use with tire ^lis and staff as wall as mmiirig to ham atoll Australia. *firs O'a^I was ham add rutsad in Kant Mier mmpk^ tnn. tom years at Irer jaml myI setoL fu embarked on live years of ICrtinr, -' education. Theftsllonr, cos wereiri Art 511xiirs. The nut year at tire runt wadty in London. Its in education Atoll half May un^I unre fire ,tars fits 0'01^ tont^ for a year to bad on a swine much MM Volunteers Abroad ale sta, td in klb butt on tile Gaza Strip. Nthh ts par ticularly volatile area, hut A. jigs 0'0ha^ ^tow^ Won gyt und tofuit ^, us parlor am, daylrre~ so much that Jul begbi to ERIC*' lire adventure of the situntioL" fun the Idbbuiz, which is a nth We a forumd *fling. kms O'^un to^, t by Mt. but spun must orirr^ wiki. 1.18 full and milkirig cows an muming to ^lad and mm. pk^ 11er with^ rifts O'^ worked as an Art leader at a p, itate secmxhr>. sciml in Bent^. him fonty was sire lire Head or us mutingIt hut she aim coadred am of tile ^o1 rowing learns, as st, e Han be donig at Gratin, ar tilts year. kmss O'rubyiml"shia a kern rower mr tile past eight years' two or fuse as a mmnber orbng^'s woni. on's rerun She also oned for Dig mm's nien's dgliL \\me Rin Humork Mas on sth bancnl in 1992, she me I Nilss 0'00in^,, hue\tsiimglrer^in Bentxht kin un^. e^ an in vimth, , to take part in the School's first ladler ordmye Mill^ alit has mm ami much of Australia nutside of Brisbane. hits O'Calm^11nsh"dan enjoyable slay sofar. Apartfromilre Manlier diml& slit has rinkad the on^g us^& the differences in the cdimiion $3 lamaiidilrelarger number Dr' fromy. crowmes". kilts O'Callaghan has already had heriirsienco"riter with Austinlian wildlife : a snake in one of the plugholes in the Art rooms! we welcome hilts 0'011aghan am hopedre tiling unrest orhar*y at BC. CS.

Equality still a long way off.

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Girls' traininar var on of lire fur stints in awl*lard to pinti" its sirents with an gillam'"icyiu1 10 litti of to>\ \\lien lire Sdrool war hintd. tile anti!toes tonalth winnm Were Lei} differeni 10 fuse of robV wineit"* annulariga'errscied"rly to stay at hmm, chi and cook ad raise tile drillren. Aimy nun support "counl onomurtiiy". hill tile el"rent of Sexism is an 100 pre\'full Solnenienpeiswin"eingwonti us mmk. 0\trly e, winul"x, bjects Tire nucha is pady 10 bin, ,re for fir on^ing this Spyr^ ^a comumil} have half intrd wonren limped overly hornets of"rebusi VS "muscle mm*IirEs". fuki^ ad\eru\ ing itres wormn or parts of winnui 10 Sen anything hallsungbss" to nthing g"r Man> woren do not realise jinv. . Diren 11re Innse of tile wonun as a de^tired set object an^ in adLoft, rents possibly be co^ hay lure heronre ^I'm sad 10 tilts o\er used rerun}al. irisinn, icihaiiliemme iris used. am amnilyiliei's wentce illhexiiimeyaiareinanewsagenCmp limp, a car or fishing or an nay ale and Twice haw mmy mythUy CM wonren are used 10 sen mud!it tomy unrelated 10 tram as PC^ or lite um, "e hay"eatL Do boyswily be"eve that by byIgilre red convert ibkull. eager hinttswiUnockam"xi han? nits rule rexiSiatiiit*is nestni In spit RinLingli"adj^11ybeen certsidrred a mme fontn. 11 is only within lire past ion Jars or so 11.1 WanenInLE girlad any ramgyifuiin tilts fold but in at jusi am club in Br^re 1113 wini* Uru unnen co Inn he in\LEIs is sumpJy alive Tin MCInen can hauly jamh a boat with 001 a thinglory corn, rent rutd it is newr considered Uni wantii cadd DIE die Vim Salonsly. 01 tile I*arer un male crew was nunied with lie corium"L"11 yinigei beaten by lire PHS yori're chad-" fitey I\re baren by atollilim lit Suitliib<"wisha, "Irersp"Thai futons nttn. How nuny wonren's coni!within are foam on rek\,*ion? E\u}. Sumlay ante, "" Retire"boys" running up anxi 001\n tire b:ach am habb, rigin"vimiiofilewaier. Whale aru IN \Lantern:' $1 \Lint hawred 10 lire mm wiki arced Mintun us equals, Do tiley ready gust. or is it simply a fatale 10 inning* tile WWIIen hay 11N? No donbi line are nun 001 line win are net airald of equal on^lily hi'l discriiim""on mm sextsm an exit How long are re nerved 10 amp anh funnierarKe? UCS

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May his work continue

very changed chumctcrindeed. and I kept changing. Sex. alcohol and netular goodne*s are preiiy keen inglruments and Ihey sumically re moved my Clirisiianiiy. Ieavin"ino tars. I was agnostic by 111e time I relumed 10 Dinnedin " He con"nued I", iih a strainhi Art* degree until lie Ironsfcred to the Uni^ \erriiy or 01ag, and stirred to study medicine. Drumg his lire Fred Hollows de- \Clunkl many sireng views on is*UCS and some people withediliaihe wonld rini express them quiie as loudly. In 1971 nullo\s IECame one uruie inn mr proie*Iers against the touring Sriuih Am can rugby learn. Whalever Ihe cause. willI his roughl"rigu"ge. force tUl presence and Strong con\1.1ion* riboui his work and politics. many politicians and bureaiicmi\ could nor 11n\., claimed to like hini bui non, '01/1d Ray they. did not hnld fire"I r'speci fur a niln wiih ,uch comesI and relne<* commitmeni 10 others' Fred 11,110w, ino\ed to Au, Imjin in I%5 and. in doing so. tie\eloped an initresiin Ahai'ginus. theiriradiriui, s. and especially their \netial lienlih problemq. Fred Hullo, ".\ di. paper work. FrcdHollows' deLeiopmenisin eye

Eva Wood ^.^.^.^ Thenbility to seeis an ability must of us lake for grinied. bui to thou sands it is a wonder denied to incm. For such neople. Ihe restora!ion of their sightis like a blessin" FroniGod. tile Aboriginal people of our own couniry and tile inari> sighi-amicied or the Third \\'orld who have been ironied by Professor Fred Hollows and his team are under rin illusions ribouihow vital the ability to seers and describe Professor Hollows and those lie tmined as miracle workers. This is perhap* ironic for a nian who did not belie VC un Gad. yei rin one can denv that Fred Hollows was airue huntani Ianan Neiiher a Rorence Ni"hiin gait nor Mother Ter*sa finure. Fled 1101/01v" could ncVCr have been de scribed as a conscrvaii\e. re

he'llh look him 10 examine the prob Iems in developing countries. He did extensive workin Nepal. Eriirea and Viei"ain. Hollows trained hun dreds Dr local doctors in his uph Ihalmic skills and devoted ninei or his life to restoring sighi 10 thong who would o1herwi*e ne\er have been able to experience or Jimrd this basic 11um"n righ, . in January 198Q he di, co\ered Ihai he had cancer hui. even with extensive radiation Iherapy. kept un \\. iih as many or 11is sirenuuus acii\iti's us possible. A1 the ex Dense or his health. Hollows look steroids 10 give him enerny. deter mined to coinpleie as many lagks as possible before his death. In 19QU he was named Augiral ian or tile Year and 115ed the POSi lion 10 public'se problem, in Abn rignal cuminuniiics anti in the Third \\'orld. Laie last \ear Ih, Fred Hollows Foundaiion it. as e, labli*heal to raise 3 niiilinn dollars to coniinue his work in 111e Third world. In one of Ihe last in Ier\iew\ before his dealh. 110110ws sense or huniour was still siron". \\'jign Ray Marlin asked. "Whai if Ih*re is a God?" He replied. "I'd nave to negoii Fred Hollows sirungly believed Ihai his work must cartv on after his dealh. in his last interview. Hollows told Frank Hardy and those who will carry on his work. "Base yourselves on the re ality oilhe situation. hoih the pleas ant and unpleasant aspects o1 ii. sel aims Ihat can be achieved. em power the Aborigines and people In the Third World 10 lake control of their own lives. " The work of this man who has been referred 10 as a "humaniiar ian". "sainily sinner". "an cadi nary rainbow" and "the wild co 10nial boy o1 AUSiralian cursery" will coniinue. it's rini often a per*on with such delerminaiion and willingness 10 help others gives *o selneqsly. Fred Hollows has laid Ihe foundation for helping 111e helpless. and we musi ensure Inai his work and his philosophy con 11nue not only through run, ori or Ihe Fred Hollow, Foundation hui also in our own lives as well

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Greg Dunstan PRINCIPAL

CHERMSiDE OFFICE Phone{0713501355 Fax 1071 3592328 AN 10n 359 0874 Mobile 0,87272i8

Urge. PL AC, , 010 004 cog "at, , us Greg Dunetan Real Estate


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