Grammar Gazette- Issue 1, 1993

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Four generations of Grammar girls,

titre s sum. Ihing very special quelle '11/11h"*ised. Multi .;I}* lier abou, 11.1ng a Tourih Gcneraii, n "Nan"" alwa}\ quoitd: "c!can11n**\ Cramii:ar Girl". Th* sthunl. it\ I\ nexi in Godlin*.\" " " phr"\c tmdiii, n\. 1.11ilnLophi**. 11\ Cad* ,11 in*!111ed in the "\, un" I'dIch" 1.1 Behaviour. IIJ\tIteiip"'11/11/11 Iil" BCG. S. for " lung "\ I ,Jn rcnicm}*r. Hui nilh* 1,211\In}. RindiiiJicll\., I 111.1i Inai'* rini\,, \urnnLing I\ hell \,. u init, -rumi\purl king. nL, 11r".. d and I. rinv Ih"! lily in, Ih"r hJ\ IVCn ""it ,, t ,, I INIL h, r toriii \\un 111* "Tug I" 111e \cii, nl \ccii* \incc b*r *hid, in War" hullheii mr 11*, 1,111i\iru\\. MILL d">* In Ihe IQ5!I* V. lib inc ,*. erui, ,n Li!icy". \Innj\,, Ihi* I'mI 1.1' *\*Kit or tvn 11\c**"\ \thujanliip\. klu:n an 11 \t"*, it I'd\-jilt. Crunch, I, "I*, h;,* han I"ching at BC. G. S. *ii"c F1;*direnni*, lid ;incrpr, ,11c*Inni" IU6U, rid \\" thildrcn LLCrc *Ith 11cr, it Jh. nilhin\. inc girl\ L*"ld itu\ u \lit* ith, inI 11,111 11ur itIh:. d",*. niltr"d .!ridj. ,11 nuni 111* k, 1.11cii illr My broili*n. \itICr. F11cnJ .;Ind I uric 1,111n\. Thi\ .\;it I. !ICr di, tnniin- .111 reinemb, I' Ted. " kind ,rid \\"n- 11. , A Ih* in"1.1\ VCre 14k, but\ d*rinlg"linchin"in. \\11n 11*ed in left Suimminp \\J\ cnn, jusi*d an Ih* u* undi*11 us iani"*lit' *10n** Iu*u"11} Spring Hill Baih\ and hilli \lulli un" "buu! mumier\ lurking in n:hbiin Gr"nuni" reini* Ih* 111.1hnd of \\Jll. - binsj while LLC \Ia}e\I un line R"11.1 ing an it genile pJc* to Ih* Baih*. ill R, 1,111 mow SI. 11. or Ihc gvmn"*ium CIOcnJilc 1111m, lion. huldin" Ihc where in, ,$1nf my lime with Muni \J\ 31.1 Ltd hand .. i \nur punii*r. kilt .pelii. Brock\\"v IJughi Gin!I'm. I. anJ Men Our Lindy. Lady Cowrie. w;tsjus, 0'ROUTke was Alum'* FF. Ieach*r. h three rinnuies froin B. G. G. S. . so we is in Iere*tinti Ihni Mum was a I were picked un and brought back 10 pro"Ched by thc thoul to or, "ni*e a schoolforihe duration of "afterscliool concert in the City Hall as a fund reliea"15". After phinary school we raising for our own Kilool pool would also come hack 10 BCG. S The concept of inICr-form spyn while training sessions continual. So was still present in the fifties. but my wlinle lire has revolved around Ellena and I are used 10 the house B. G. G. S. . aimnsi as if it were my sysiem second home and Ellena and I seenied I think the bignesi chan"e he to know every nook and cranny or IWCen our general ions apart from tile this school well before we came here numbers of girls airendin" the school as students has to be in Physical Educaiion and There was never any douhi that the use or Information Technology we would be "Grammar Girls". Jusi Cmndma 101d us lier P. E lessons as my coargrandmoiher had guided wcre very basic. The class was di my Grandma to BC. CS. . colon when vided in10 three groupb. Group I we were little we heard the wonderful did setexerci"s with Miss BTOckway: stories from Grandma and Multi or Group 2 worked on the rings: Group their lives at school 3 did skipping exercises with illdi There is something cuminrling vidualropes. After are11imeihegroups and secure in knowing Just where you runied in all anIi-clockwise direction. will be ' growing-up" during those Thai was the Tweniies special years' ItcineinberIconii, Igilie By inc tinic Mumeanie hereinier B. G. CS. "war cry" allhe same lime school compeliiion had evo!Led. SIIe as I was learning nursery rliymes. repre"nied BCG. S. in swimming. Grandma. Mum and Ellena encour"g- Int"ving. ballsamesandne!ball. IThe Ing me willI every phrase and clap- only other sport at Inat lime was ICn ping my hands together as if 10 cm- mis. ! plusise every word. In reNhool ballsames and track Looking through family photo- were held on a Salurda ' at the grephs. the BC. G. S. uniform pops up Woolloongabba Cricket Ground and lime and lime again: with my grand- line an line again : wi my gran - Grammar girls competing wore a spy mother in the 1920s. my mother in the cial while dress with an 'herion" back 1950s. Ellena from 1986 to 1990. and and sleeves. and a royal blue ban now myself danna. Mum still has herinierscliool Or course there was no unitbnn "sport<" dress in her urnrdrobe for Ihe gentile young ladies in my Mum's P. E. lessons Mere con great grand-mother's day. and lime ductsd in the old gym - a women has also changed o1her aspects or building labou, where the 1,001 is scliool life. in my great-gundmoih- nowj which had open Iaiiice walls er's lime. the empliasis was on the from the waist up. The exercises they education or the ""entle you rin Ia- did wereJumping on the $001. vaulting dies" with all appreciation o1 music a horse. and working hand u\. er hand and a thorough knowledge of e!i- along aladder susj, ended horizoninll!

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With Mrs Hancock. glandmoiher DOJOthy, Hughes. mother Mery! Papas. and daugh!ers E"ena and Phoebe.

from 111e roof. This all see, ns 5.1 printi live to me. I'"I so gl"d Physical Billcaiion 11.5 progressed 10 gi\e u* the upp, \nuni, to be jilt. o1, ed in \fj many' more EPOhS. Ellena rev*lidl in Phys. Ed. and represented BC. CS. in swiniming. ballsanies. softball. neiba11. '11/1eu" and rliythmic gymnastics. Sire was also able 10 lake Hcalth & Physical Education as a Bumd subject which allowed for participation in rinme, ous o1her sports such us volleyball. arehery. golf. and waier polo. Our School has a strong tradition in Performing Arts and my family have always been involved. Gleni grandmother had "The Musical Evening". and Grandma relates the nunierous auditions for a musical pre senied by BCG. S. in lite old "Thea ite Royal". . During her school days Muiii was asked 10 cliore, graph Ih* BCG. S. production or 'The Manic Rule" in 1955. niis was agreai honour and rin doubiiliis debuiledlieralongihe palh 10 her professional coreer as a clinrc OSIaplier and clioreologisi. Over Ihe years Mun, has worked on lots o1' school produciions including 111e Gala Exiravagan" 10 DPEn Ihe Cellmiann mien!re : a highligliiin the his lory or Our KiloOl. My brothers. 51ster. andljusiaboui know every song and danc* from tilese shows. and one of my brothers has become quilt exilen at lightin" and sound effects - as a result ai b. Ing with Alum during 1.11e"ranl*. Ellena carried o111he faniil>' irudi lion and played Lime Dub, rinei in 'The Boylriend" during lier senior

year. But then Music ha* alwa\* played Jn inlegml pan in our life at BCG. S. As far us I reinenib*r Ihcr, w"* ncv*r riny discussion abnui ". 11ich school niy $151er and I would alitnJ. W'*jus! "kiietv" we would be "Grim mar girls". \\'e are \cry proud of our Sch, toI and whai it 11as donc Ibr cotli of us. Great- grandmother deviluped a deep appreciation or Iiicra!UTC and music and she was a line amisi. SIIe was asked 10 illusiraie a bunk esp*cially whiici: forthc Educaiion Department. Grandma gradualCLI \\ith one of the nily Teacher Scholarsliips for Quernsland. She coniinued reaching JISecond"r^letel until her relirenieiii and 511e has aliended musi or the his lory n, "king evenis associated with our school sinc* tilen. Although she 15 now in hcr eighiies. Grandma 51ill attends End or Year Assemblies. inu siC concerts and School Dav*. A1Liin won Ihe Bumvansky Ballei Sellolarship witi!$1 still a 51udenihere. Howc\er. she cumpl*led her si\Ih FCnn year before leaving For Sydney and London. She gained Iler Ad- \"riced Teachers and hanan teachin. at B. CG. S. in 1960. Ten vears iaier sh* was the recipient or a Churchill Fellowship in Choreography and C1, o1eology and rifler 111.1 51udy she returned to B. G. CS. andin her "spare linte" workcd o11 Ih* proposal and syllabus for the Performing Aris/ Dancc course*hich was implem*filed in Kelvin OnIT* C. A. E. During Ihi, 11nic *he al, n letiured Chartnl, gy In Ihe Bach*inr or Human kin\elmcni Cuur*c at the Uni\chity of Qu"n\-

land. Just rccenily 511e h"* 113, her first book on rli>'Ihmic spyni\e .vni riasiics publislicd. h is great to sce Iler achieve inenis recognised by the sthu. I. Her name appears un IN'o Honour Boards : The Churchill Fellows in the Boarders' Dinin, Room Iwliich used to be the Assembly Hall for the School during nty grindma'* and mother's daysi and un the Spuris nonour Board as an AUS Iralian Represeniaiive un R'S. G. My $151er .Ellena. I\. as a hereci and Captain of Music and R. S. G. Shc invadevery minuie nthcr school lire here and was the recipicni of the "Wi"hL Aledal" for A1usic. She vJa, also the first ever BC. G. S. recipient oilhe Calle\ Aledal. Dunn" her years' at Groinmar she be camc a Sinie inId National A1ultiples Champion in Rhythmic Gymnasiics and now con 11nues lier coni, ci with tile school us a co"cli and national judge in Inai sport. As you call see. the wonien in our family are dedicated to Ih, s scliool. A1un, and Elle"a have al ways said that BC. G. S. gave Ihent so much Ih"I Ihey really want 10 give someihing back to the school. and belie\e me Ihev are happiest when Ihe>'re doing just tnni. I'm onlyin Year9 - my second studeni year - but. as I said earlier. I've been at B. G. G. S. for 13 years! I don't know what the fu:ure holds bull do I:now 111"I sumeho\ I will he liere for a long nine 100. per haps as a ruinre teaclier ur coacli or rib a in, Iher huppurting inJ d"ughier. In Ih*ir p"rsuiis. Only lime will I'll.


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Great-grandmother Mirinie Faulkner-Reld

Page 6 GRAMMAR GAZETTE. Term I 1993

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