Grammar Gazette- Issue 1, 1993
Bas etball continues to attract enthusiastic su on Sports
Christne Gentner
Basketballisoneofthemostpopu year- long sport consisting of three seasons:the gading season. the main season and the silly season. A1 the moment ginding on is approach ing its Its games This year basketball is under the guidance o e newest mein be of the P. E. staff. Mrs We sinioreland. Nine BCG. S. teams are competing i the under I teams. The highlight o Ihe basketball calender is in September when a team or am rid eleven girls is selected 10 compete in the msland Schools coin 111.0n. This competition in eludes around thirty other sch is from around Queensland. in previ. ous years Crinumar has done excep lionaUy well. being placed eighth in 1991 and seventh in I 2. This year we hope to improv on past efforts. To encoumge fellowship amongst the players barbecues held each season. All players and their nits are Invited to attond. These barbecues provide an exce"ent opportunity for parents to mee coaches and for play erg to meet girls from different iconrs and year levels The basketball captains for 1993. Meredith Bonhmann and Christ me Geniner. ino that each Grammar baskeimller has a successful and en joyable reason The new skill levels that were introduced for the hist fune this yam haveb, oughtrl, yiimicgy, un^ginto line with wigtic and men's gymn"- by mumts are coded into levels according to chintyiiist"d of age and perto in one compulsory freehand tonfuie(i. e. withoutapparatus as well as executing ap"rams elements. The congatus used in 11.15 sport are hoop, bam, ribbon. clubs, and rope. As we as Thursday. training is held on Saturday afternoons and is open to girls ages 4 to 20 inclusive F1 contact Mrs Papas through tire Physical Education Depaninent or after hours on 8709871 for further information
Basketb@! captains eredi, hBochinm, , andChisti"CGe"""r(Pho, @: Cain^ticl@ire) SPORrs BRIEFS A1^NRERDY, YearlO. haslrea salad in tile U15 E".
Rhythmic Sportive Gymnastics attracts all age groups
R^a Vd^" Tom Tits ^n album^gind. Sts, ea^ 51^sinusy69. Aimiwas atco^d Pm, as' 'Today's Han" in Tire Sunxi, y ume13.93) trusts. cob""usual as representing the School at the Q. OS. ssA winnin' SlumASWT^ Yea9. colon3). has gild tonewin^ or'M^ rinxh" atb ^18 a ^I gay fore sine fursld tile ball on Sat^y 13 Mach Obimrsly gum is dB un after born ^^10th B. G. CS. 11.3 ^red ale year pod duely with stripb^in tile hat'ne Q. CSS. SA amp^dots of tile Jean So^I A and B and tire am^g in lustsai6^ms^evecoire"^in tileswhy^ads9^rs^e ream, this punk, ' erat Represeniative honours go to REBB^ARooDV^rwhawas $9 reed in it re lvfo^to ast " SolthallTearn ts haremn'SIro. I pid, a. This reamL ^ fukia, ^ number of vile nuts. claiming 35 viefu, ^ am 51re lots set to jin^ hat number in King"oy this mum B. CG. S. continues its impres sive record in water polo with 6learns competing in the sent-finals. Three of these teams included our two most receni regional representatives
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Rhymmc Spinve Gymnastics is a skiml and exdti sport which has an enthusiastic follow"18 at Brisbane Girls' Granm School. The club has members from every level of the School who work compelatively to develop runtimes and learn from one another. There are even a number of "rune" Grillingr girls who attend club traiim, g after School on Thurs days Rhythmic gymnastics hams en
.CANDLES of nun^. i=" "" colon"
. ERURQ, FURNISHINGS toned a new cycle of development which has not only marked the begin rimg of the nex four yams in ten, us o organrsation and skills but has also clunged the spy drastically Cricket looks set for a long innings
Individual players have per formed extremely well despite the teams lack of success. 1st Xi players, Vanessa Granger and A1i Farmer. have balle well in every maleh. CEOrgina Adams. also in the ISI XI. ,o0k five wickets against ER John Fischer on the 3 March. Five wickets in a match is a Ia"d able achievement for any bowler at any level Three Grammar cricketers in 1993. MCIissa Treniin (Openj. Antonia Conomos IU15) and Vanessa Oranger (U15j. have been selected to play in Queensland schoolgirlteams in matches against Toowoomba on 28 March. he schoolgirl crickei season
Rebecca Roebuck
Women's cricket is catching on MICHAELA WHITE and KATE and no where is this more evident BUNNING. These two athletes con, than at Groinmar. A record number of 11nue Ihe line trodiiio" of successful girls at the School have become in rer represeniaiion in this sport for the ested and involved in the s n in School. 1993. The prelirhinary artistic gymnas- Groinmar has two reams playing in the Q. S. C. A. Competition. The 1st petition tmining has begun. The team Xi is made up of a set group o girls 15 coached by three past students: whose selection was based on expert LISA BURKE (Senior 1989). NICKl on and abiliiy. in the 2nd Xi. girls RICHARDS Senior1990). andJANE play on a rotational basis with prefer WESSLING Senior 1991). Con- ence g, ven to those who have at grimlations must goto LISA BURKE rendedallpmciices. This is necessary who has jusi completed her Level 3 because there are so many enthusias judging andreceived nanonalaccredi- tic girls eager 10 participate. tallon Grammar cricketers maintain a The Grade 12 members of the B Crude softball aimed for 11reir fifth Grimmar is yet to win a march. Not success, ve premiership. Unionu- discouraged. the efforts of the girls naiely. Slate High with theirbelatedly have remained consistsnt throughoui discovered pitcher thwarted this most the season and skills continue 10 jin Impressive achievement prove
does not finish in Term I but starts agar in Term 4.1f the hard work and erro which has become char acrer, SEic of the 1993 teams con unues. a w, n is definitely coming up for Grammar crickeiers. The first Eleven
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