Grammar Gazette- Issue 2, 2010

1 3 5 Y E A R A N N I V E R S A R Y E D I T I O N

Japanese Garden donated by Hirayama Gakuen Tsushima Girls’ High School, Japan in 1988 to commemorate our tenth anniversary as sister schools


These short overseas trips usually remove students from their comfort zones by placing them in a substantially different milieu, as opposed to duplicating family holidays for which Mum and Dad often take responsibility. Students are expected to create their own support network from amongst their peers and to be imaginatively realistic in solving any issues which may arise as a result of language inadequacy. In doing so, students are expected to be sensitive to what usually challenges them the most – different cultural environments and unfamiliar traditions. It is a challenge, but an enriching one.

The Affiliate Schools programme began in 1978 when a formal Sister School agreement was signed between Brisbane Girls Grammar and Seirinkan High School, formerly Tsushima Girls’ High School, in Japan. Both schools pledged to contribute to the mutual understanding and friendship between the students of both schools through exchanges and joint activities. In the following years, similar accords have been signed with Matsusaka Girls’ High in Japan; Maria-Wachtler Schule in Essen, Germany; Lycee Saint Paul, in Angouleme, France and Shanghai No 3 Girls School in China. The Affiliate Schools programme aims to improve cultural understanding and to provide students with an opportunity to practise their language skills in real time within authentic situations. This programme is unique in that it is sponsored and co-hosted directly by the schools themselves. Homestays are appropriately organised to ensure that a caring, family environment is created for visiting students. Staff members, however, always accompany the tours. Over the years, many personal relationships have developed between the staff and students of this School with those in our affiliate schools, all of whom share a similar philosophy, commitment to academic excellence and worldly perspective.

As is customary, students in recounting the complexity of their adventures, usually resort to simplicity or humour.

The Affiliate Schools’ programme is unique to this School and provides students with an unparalleled experience of the world to which they are expected to contribute with compassion and empathy. It is not surprising that our students continue to revisit their international friends, long after they have left Brisbane Girls Grammar School.

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