Grammar Gazette- Issue 2, 2010
us to present £1 to the Old Girls War Work Group... vegetables being scarce, the Boarders have grown silver-beet, cabbages and tomatoes and have lately taken over the watering of the garden... 1952 ...we all began 1952 with the one fervent hope – that we should be able to make Miss Lilley’s last term with us her happiest, and one on which she could always look back with pleasant memories. Towards the end of the first term we spent many pleasant hours preparing for the farewell concert we gave Miss Lilley and also knitting squares for the rug which we presented to Geordie. (This was the name of Miss Lilley’s dog). We felt rewarded for our moment of strain when Miss Lilley assured us that she had enjoyed the concert, and promised to remember us whenever she used the farewell gift we gave her... 1953 ...we spent Coronation Day happily and busily. We all attended church where we took part in the Service, which was in imitation of the actual ceremony. During the morning from the laboratory verandah, we watched the military parade in Victoria Park. At night we hired a bus and toured the city to see the various celebrations; the brilliantly lit Treasury Building and the Town Hall were admired greatly... 1961 ...the Boarders appreciate the use of the School television set; moreover, a wireless extension has been bought by which we are able to listen to the news during breakfast... 1971 ...1971 has seen the achievement of the formation of a Boarders House – something we have been striving for a long time. After only one meeting, the House activities are in full swing and it is pleasing to see the Boarders at last united in name as well as in spirit... (Note: In 1964, Boarders were scattered throughout the ten different Houses rather than being united as a Boarders House. This meant that many Boarders had little or no allegiance to their new House, as they also felt their interests and experiences were incongruent with those of the day girls. The creation of a Boarders House was a short lived experiment.) 1981 ...this year has seen changes within the boarding House. The facelift given to the House was quite extensive with the renovation of the Dining Room into a Dormitory and the Old Assembly Hall into the Dining Room. Upstairs was fully carpeted and the senior girls received new furniture. ...we used the new radiogram when we entertained the Boarders from the Boys School at our dance during second term...
In August there was an eclipse of the moon. We sat on the balcony in our dressing-gowns and watched the shadow go across the moon’s face. This favour was granted us on condition we behaved ourselves. For a while we were very good, but this must have been too much of a strain on some of our nerves, as a few of the girls commenced their tricks by apple-pieing beds and putting brushes down girls’ backs etc. For this we were almost sent to bed, but on a second promise, we were allowed to remain. We were all very good and talked of such interesting things as the world coming to an end, until on turning in, a few of the girls whose beds had been upset, found they had to set to and make them again. Some of our Saturday evenings are spent in tableaux and plays given by some of the Boarders who have brains enough to write the plays. Many of these are very good and bring out the talents of our dramatic Boarders. 1918 ...on Monday night, the memorable November 12th, after we commenced prep, Miss Mackay announced to us the glorious news of the signing of the Armistice. Whereupon we “downed tools” namely ink-bottles and Geometry books and rushing to the front verandah close upon the heels of Miss Mackay, Miss Pate and Miss Wall, who was taking strenuous exercise with the Assembly bell, ran up and down, stamping and cheering. No time was lost in repairing to Queen Street, where we marched up and down in a body singing or rather yelling, “Rule Britannia”, “Keep the Home Fires Burning” and “Anzac”... 1926 ...on June 3rd we had a most delightful picnic to One-Tree Hill. (A place more commonly known today as Mt Coot-tha). We started from School at 7.00am and “trammed” to Paddington. Thence we walked to the Summit having breakfast on the way. We spent the rest of the day in this vicinity and returned home via Toowong... 1934 ...although we are so small a party, we flatter ourselves that we are not always insignificant. On wet days, we are the most popular girls in the School, for it is from our drawers that dry stockings and blouses are forthcoming – from the unlimited supply, which the day girls feel sure we possess... 1942 ...owing to war conditions at the beginning of this year, our numbers were sadly depleted. They have increased, however, and we now number nineteen...our first effort this year was the making of handkerchiefs to sell on Old Girls Day which enabled We always look forward to our Sunday evening walk along the terrace, as the evenings are so pleasant just now...
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