1985 School Magazine

ENGLAND HOUSE England House started the year off we ll , with an excel lent performance in the lnterhouse Cross-country. Many enthus iast ic participants joined forces to claim this first v ictory for Eng land House. With house sp iri t st ill running at a high , we took part in the lnterhouse Gym Competition. We obtained a second p lacing in the Art ist ic section and a fifth placing in t he Rhythmic section. All our gymnasts performed at a very high standard. Grade 8 and 9 both held very successful sweet sta ll s, which were loved by all with a sweet tooth . They ra ised $48 and $46. The Grade 9's also organ ised a fun-fil led house assembly full of babies, the sexy 60's hippies, punks and rappies. Grade 10 had a successful Easter Egg Raffle, raising $42. They also organised an enjoyable Teddy Bear's Picnic for another of our house assembl ies. Grade 11 raised $55 from a cordial ice-cup store. A few spirit-raising war cries were a result of the house assemb ly they arranged. In second term we had a very successful house barbecue. The who le house joined in heartily with the many weird and wacky games. These we re fo ll owed by a healthy meal of pizzas, sa lads and desserts. This successful event was repeated aga in in Third Term, but the venue was the M uni ch St~akhouse . It was a wonderfu l night out. I would li ke to thank Ms Rant, all the house teachers, Sue Ranson (v ice-captain), Amanda Cooke (sports captain), the form seniors, and the who le of Grade 12- EVERYONE- for working together and making this year a successful one for Eng land House. Grade 12 supp li ed the teachers with some beaut iful cakes for a small price and raised $45.

Samantha Long


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