1985 School Magazine

BJtC. Barney Bushwalking Camp, Easter '85.. I was_a mad, rash fool and this year decided-to attempt the Scripture Union (I.S.C.F.) Easter Bushwalking Camp (9-12 April) through Mt Barney National Park There were three male teachers, seven boys and four giFis, from Grades 10 to 12 . E.veryday we had excellent Bible studies based on the theme "You are Supervaluable" . Our packs contained everything we needed for camp: food (real food ; not junk food) , to be cooked ourselves; clothes; and sleeping gear. At first our packs felt-light, but they soon made their weight felt, as-those who have survived·Year 10 Camp can readily testify. Facilities were good with cold and freezing running water (Barney Creek) for drinking water and baths (swims). Toilets consisted of a convenient rock and toilet paper, while the stove was an open fire: Camp was enjoyable. I got to. know the other campers well and I feel I benefited hom. the morning and evening devotions as well as from Bible Studies.

Hi everyone,

This year has been very successful and enjoyable for the /.S.C. F. group. We have grown dramatically in numbers and have welcomed a new member of staff, Miss Cornish, to our team. Both her assistance and that of faithful Mr Pincott, have been greatly appreciated. We have all benefitted enormously from the many and varied studies we have had throughout the year and some of us are members of exciting new discipleship groups. On behalf of the Year 72 's of /.S.C. F. 7 985, I pray that next year may be equally wonderful for all involved. PRAISE COD

Selena Brown

Sheryl Mahoney Year 10

I.S.C.F. B.G~G.S. CAMP Yes folks, finally the·talked-about B.G.G.S. Camp came into being! Held out at a 60-acre block at Moggill, the weekend camp-out in tents was terrific fun . ·Activities ranging from morning aerobics with Mr Pincott, to meditating in the·sun, watching-the horses, helped to make the camp what it was. Cooking was great fun (especially the macaroni, which didn' t quite work) and Mr Pincott inherited the name "Uncle Goopie" (from the macaroni) . A big thanks mtoJsLgo to Mr Pincott and Miss Cornish, who did so much towards the organising and running of the camp. Th anks goes · to everyone, and praise goes to the Lord, becauseHe's the one who took care of everything!

jenny Russell

I.S.C.F. TRAINING WEEK "1985 Training week this year was held in june-july holidays at Mt Tambourine. Even though it was FREEZING, we had a terrific time! Besides eating, singing, hav ing " jam" sessions, watching the sunsets, and the glow-worms, and playing games, we also had great Bible studies, discussions on relationships and self-worth, and in-depth talks on a great number of incredible things. Add to all this a wonderful atmosphere of friendship and love, and the presence of the Lord , and you get one incredible week! We'd like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who helped to make I.S.C.F. what it was this year, and we pray for all the leaders next year who are going to do a terrific job in running the group!

God bless-

Karen Crossley and jenny Russell


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