1985 School Magazine
The objects of the Association are: (a) To keep up a connection between past pupils and the school and to promote fellowship amongst past pupils. (b) To maintain an interest in the welfare of the school. Membership shall be open to all past pupils who have attended the school for a period of one year, but pupils who have attended for a shorter time may be_admitted as members at the discretion of the committee. At the Annual General Meeting, held in conjunction with the Welcome to New Members Dinner, at the Gateway Inn on 18th February, the following office bearers were elected: PRESIDENT ~ Ms Wendy Spranklin . VICE-PRESIDENTS- Senior: Mrs Lyle Schwarten (White). junior: Mrs Susan Firth (Hastie) . SECRETARY - Mrs Tina Winterflood (Weir). ASSISTANT SECRETARY - Miss Nicole Cody. TREASURER- Mrs Paula McKellar (Purvis) . ASSISTANT TREASURER - Miss Lorraine Chester. IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT - Mrs jean Vallis (Genn). COMMITTEE MEMBERS- Miss Barbara Lansbury, Mrs Pam Knudsen (Smith), Mrs Karen Cody (Nurcombe), Megan jenner, jane Adamson, Danyelle Roach. DELEGATES TO NATIONAL COUNCIL OF WOMEN - Yvonne Bain, Wendy Spranklin. Despite the power dispute, the staff of the Gateway came to the fore yet again, by providing a delicious meal and excellent service enjoyed by all who attended. We were grateful for the attendance of Mrs Hancock, showing her continued support for the Association, and taking the time to address the meeting on happenings in the school and future plans. We were pleased to welcome a number of new Old Girls to the Association and even more pleased to welcome some onto the Committee. A very successful reunion was held on 1st june at the school, attended by many Old Girls, representative of the diverse age range and interests of the members of the Association . Once again, the Prefects were attentive and helpful during the course .of the afternoon, serving afternoon tea and conducting tours of the school and Boarding House. It was pleasant to see the interaction between old girls and present students. We decided early in the year, that due to the effects of the january storm and the daily disruptions of construction within the school grounds, we would postpone the Annual Art Show to next year. It is hoped we will be able to conduct an even bigger and better show next year. On the 8th August, an evening Forum was held at the school, the theme being "Multi-Facet Roles for Women". A panel of prominent Old Girls' discussed questions posed by Year 12 students and their parents. Mrs Yvonne Bain was an admirable chairman for our panel, which consisted of Miss Majorie Neil, Miss Diana Thacker, Miss Helen Peel and Mrs Susan Firth, representing the fields of education, engineering, the arts and nursing. 11
O.G.A. Secretary- Tina Winterflood; President- Wendy Spranklin and Diana Thacker, at the 1975 6th Form Reunion. A number of reunions has been held throughout the year, apart from those of the Association . By all reports these were great successes. It is always pleasing to hear of the renewed friendships and interest generated by these reunions. Further functions planned for 1985 are a stall and display at School Day on 14th September; and a Cocktail Party on 25th October at the Brisbane Club, held in conjunction with The Brisbane Grammar Old Boys', following the success of last year's very friendly and enjoyable joint function. As an ex-official member of the Parents and Friends, I would like to thank the P. & F. Committee members for making me feel most welcome at their meetings and informing me of events in the school. It is always pleasant to note that there are many old girls Involved in the P. & F. and associated groups. My final thanks goes to Mrs Hancock who has spared much of her valuable time to support the Association and is always only too willing to be of assistance and available to address our functions on current happenings in the school. Mrs Hancock and the staff make available the school and its facilities to us regularly, and help in many ways, and I would like to extend my thanks and that of the Association to them. We hope that all girls leaving the school will join the Association and so keep a bond with the school and its activities, and we wish them success in their chosen careers. 1975 6TH FORM REUNION The 1975 6th Form Reunion was held at the Gateway Inn on the 26th May, 1985. It was difficult to believe that it had been a decade since so many of us have been together, as it really seemed like yesterday. Many old friendships were renewed and new ones made as we discovered common interests that hadn't existed at school. A number of boarders were able to turn the reunion into a weekend event, catching up on all their news. Many came from the country and interstate; we all agreed it was an event to be repeated, well before the current group of "new additions" were old enough to be Grammar Girls or worse still - "Old Girls"!! Wendy Spranklin President
Wendy Spranklin
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