1985 School Magazine

The final function of the year wi ll be the "End of Year Lun cheon", on 28th October, at Silks. This promises to be a very happy day, as the present mothers w ill be joined by past mothers and o ld girl s, so there will be lots of chatt ing and laughter. As usual , the Dancing Classes have proved very popular; being held in the latter part of the year has made little difference to the popularity of the c lasses. The total amount raised this year is unknown at this stage, as we await proceeds from Schoo l Day and the Dancing Classes. (We estimate in the vicinity of $6500) . Approximately $1600 has been spent on Portapack Video equipmen t for the Media Department; $250 has been set aside for a memorial to Mrs Jean Ashton , and the Mothers' Group are contributing towards outfitting the new Auditorium/Classroom Comp lex. During the year, very interest ing guest speakers - Mrs Lynch, Miss Burrows, Mr Walsh, Mr Franc is and Mrs Thornquist- have spoken to the mothers and we now have more knowledge of how the school departments funct ion . Mrs Hancock addressed all the meetings and shared her memorable exper iences of the Japanese trip. We are most gratefu l to Mrs Hancock and the members of staff who have provided support and assistance to the Mothers' Group throughout the year.

MOTHERS' GROUP REPORT - 1985 Another enjoyab le and busy year is almost about to close. The start of the year, having been delayed by the elements, commenced with a very successful "Welcome to Mothers", with over 100 mothers attendi ng the meeting, which was addressed by Mrs Hancock. The first function for the year was " Pirates of Penzance" at the Performing Arts Complex. This was a relaxing even ing, enjoyed immense ly by everyone who attended. The Fashion Extravaganza, held at the end of Apri l, took on a new format, with the students organising each segment, with International Youth Year be ing th e theme. The evening was an oustanding success, with over 750 guests attend ing, and 120 students involved. The mothers li ved up to their past reputations of a mouth-watering supper and unusual f loral decorations in the Assembly Ha ll. In excess of $4000 was raised through the Extravaganza. On 18th July, we attended the Arts Theatre performance of "Edge of Darkness". A hot supper after the show was enjoyed by all who attended, as well as members of the cast. In August, the Mothers' Group held a Card Day at the home of Glenda Winders at Newmarket. It was such a glor ious warm day, Gl enda's gardens were a picture and the food was extra-special. Over $800 profit was made from the occasion and all who attended suggested we hold another Card Day next year.

Open Day is a joint effort between parents, teachers and students and should be a very interesting day.

I wou ld also like to extend my personal thanks to all who have made our year so successfu I; those mothers who planned and organised functions, sold tickets, cooked, sewed , served lunches, suppers etc. , modelled clothes, assisted with the floral decor, the dancing classes, etc., etc., to the students for showing such enthus iasm and initiative for the Fashion Extravaganza; to the teaching staff who were so w illing to help when needed ; to the office staff who despatched notices, typed programmes etc. , and to the groundsmen and carpenters who manufactured, li fted , shifted and set-u p for us- sincere thanks.

Jill Cassidy President


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