1968 School Magazine




a "Sugar 'n Spice" stall; VIB staged a Fashion Parcdi; while-VlC and VID sold a varietv of things such as hot chips, sweets, flowers, and doughnuts - all vrere financially successful. \X/e wish all {orms luck in their final exam- inations, with special thoughts for Juniors and Seniors. To the coming Sixth - we hope our failures vdll be your successes. Merry Christmas - HuPPy New Year' ffufrl' -nrn* u-Norct As fifth-form enters the last and busiest term of all, on assessing the passing year, we all agree that 1968 vras one of the most demanding and yet rewarding years of our life at Grammar. The ipirit of active participation by fifth-formers could- be seen in all school activities, both academic and sporting. In the first majot Inter-school events of the year, the swimming and lifesaving carnivals, many iifth-for*.rc were representatives, with the most outstanding competitor being Gwenda Bradford (VD) - a member of the Queensland Lifesavins t.um. An enthusiastic contingent from fifth form competed in the Inter-school athletics car- nival at Lang Patk, where Barbara Jotdan of VA excelled in three memorable taces, for which she was awarded a Blue. Her team-mates in the Senior Circular Relay - Alison Bruce (VB) and- Myra Davis (VD) were each awarded full pockets.. Tennis has also had some able supporters from fifth form this year - we especially con- gratulate Jane Robertson (VA ) of the 'A' team and Karen Bvth (58) representing the 'B' team urhose tearns both won the premiership; while Debbie Hawkins (VC) captained the 'C' team of which Jan McCracken (VD) was also a mem- ber. In the basketball and softball teams, Jane Robertson, Jan Hutchinson ( VA ), Megan Ventor and Judy Ward of ( VB ) were outstanding, with Ianei Findlay ( VD ) deserving special mention lor her competent captaincy of the 'B' basketball team in their premietship victory. Fifth form competitors in vigorous ttaining for the Inter-school Gymnastics Competition at the moment are Marilyn Miller ( VA ) and Alison Bruce in the 'A' team, Diana Marshall (VB) and Julie Hunter (VC) - 'B' team and Susan Hanley (VC) of the 'C' team. N7e wish them every success and take this oppottunity to congtatulate Marilyn Miller, who has already distinguished herself in the Australian Gymnastic Titles. In the scholastic field, we are in the process of discovering a challenging Senior course. The

S;*rA ff*n* uNorc' Another Senior is approaching and suddenly we realize it is ours! Our five yeats al Grammar (we heralded a new era as the first second formets ) ate nearly over. lil/e would like to thank Mrs. McDonald and our form mistresses, Miss Elliott, Miss Thomas, Miss McNamata and Miss Paterson for their support and guidance during the year. This year sav/ the inauguration of the school council, consisting of Mrs. McDonald, our form mistresses, the prefects and twenty councillors. Despite minor growing pains, we feel that the practical implemintation of this scheme has been iuccessful, and we sincerely hope that future years will see an even greater improvement in the council's accomplishments. Congratulations must go to house- captains and prefects for the smooth way in which they discharged their duties which involved personal sacrifice too. Our new look magazine is due latgely to the industry of its editors, Lesley Mugglestone, Matgaret Phillips and Margaret Tonge. T'hey are to be praised for their inspired efforts, Names in lights this year were Christine "Eliza" Matheson, Fiona Dougall and Helen "Mrs. Eynsfor&Hilll' Sandercoe. Their dramatic abilities provided us with some wonderful enter- tainment. Our budding Michaelangeloes, Matgaret Tonge and Kathleen Denman vron Lst and 2nd prizes in the Polyfilla Sculpture Competition - $tOO and $50; and Fiona Dougall has won a ptize in the recent Queensland Geography .Con- iesf. Congratulations io these girls and also those who have gained athletics awards. On the sports field, we noticed Margaret Andrew and Pamela Robinson as Captain and Vice-captain of the athletics and 'A' basketball. Deborah Verner and Rhonda Evans were captains of the 'A' and 'B' softball. Lesley Collins and Barbam Trotter ably led' the swimming team. Susan Parkinson and Angela Trumbauer captained the 'A' and 'B' tennis teams. Our school dance was a wonderful success. The hall looked beauti{ul, decorated as it was in a black/pink/white theme with flowers,.lanterns and balioons. H."tty thanks to \ilendy Shaw and her committee for their excellent organization. School Day was most enjoyable and saw a variety of ideas from our forms. VIA conducted

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