1968 School Magazine
%*q*t*wt to * ry'J{g o$*o, Dear, darling, old teddy bear, Hout long baue you been lying there, Tattered and torn, ladded and worn, But .my aery oun since the day I was born. Memories ol our childhood days, Such Aduentures, and the games we played, Renzernber hou I hueged you in dread Ol the terrible witches 'neath rny bed. Vhat cornlort yoa gaae n/e, night alter night, Alter my Mother bad kissed me goodnight, I'd hold you so tishtly and close my eyes, And drilt olf to drearnland, taith a happy sieb. Dear, darling old. Teddy Bear, d.o rest assured, A place in my beart will always be yours, For time can't erase the part that yoa played, In the uonderlul world ol rny childbood days. _P. E. SMITH (II.D)
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