1968 School Magazine

Onig;*o{ C**tyi*vftions

Liue undiuided, quickly fade and die-unheeded, Man is eqaal so tbey say Yet wars of race, colour and creed thriue on and stay To tuist and torment the liues of men. Man against rnan, black against white. Pain, griel-regret? The beauty of a leaf, a cloud, a flower loreuer through tinte Destroyed and reddened. The miserable fate ol men made blind, Ugly with doubt and crime, Diseased uith the sickness ol their ruind. The calm of the sea, the eaftb, the sky, blotted out By aiolence and uar. To discouer inner beauty they cannot understand. Is beyond the will and power of Man, So loreuer white and black must fight, Black against wbite. A uhite doae, a black night, A hopeless prayer lilted up in silence- Oh God, can anyone euer be right?

Common Ground "

O, Cor-r-r. Qror*J I think on birn whose skin is black, Vhose eyes are tieep and tongue#s slack. We are so mach by language bound And yet ue ualk on Cornrnon Ground. I dwell witb hirn witb paper skin, Who eats rny bread arud is rzy kin. I see rnysell within a pound And I can lind no Common Ground. I striue lor lreedom loue and truth, Justice and peace lor all ol youth. Vhen these, my airus by more are found, 1Ve all shall walk on Cornnton Ground. _SUE BYTH (IVD) LILLEY Co,fli"t Black and white separate in burning hate and bittel teffs, A uorld ol lisbt and dark shadous gradually crumbling to dust. Man liaes and dies bound in uncertain fears, Not in pure and gentle trust As it uas meant to be. Fear weigbed doan by chains, made beauy by tbose witb sballoa ninds And sballow bearts and shallow thoughts. Vhere is the loue, the peace, the ioy, the harmony Ol uniaersal beauty ubere both dark and ligbt Cornprise the brotherhood of Man? Fleeting sueet dreatns ol lantasy uhere black and tabite



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