1968 School Magazine
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Thanks to the enthusiasm of all the tennis reams, the school has maintained the high stand- ard set in recent years. The "A" Team clinched the Premiership after a tough battle vrith Ipswich Girls' Grammar. After a close and most exciting match with Brisbane State High, the "B" Team managed to win the "8" Grade Premiership. As the game score was even, the match was decided by the set score. Having won the zone Final, the "C" Team went on to play for the "C" Grade Premiership; but aftet a hard tustle, the scales tipped towards Brisbane State High. Our "8th" Grade Team, who had only played together for a few weeks, practised hard and represented the school vrith keen school spirit. The opposition 'was strong and our congtatulations go to St. Aidan's "8th" Grade team for a rvell deserved win in the Premiership.
The teams appreciated the keen interest and helpful advice given by Mrs. Salzman. \7e also say thank you to our coaches, Mr. Moon and Mrs. Fancutt. Mr. Moon, who has been coaching at the school for years, left at the end of second term. He has given a wonderful service to the school and we wish him the best of luck for the future. 1}7e would also like to thank the Parents and Friends Association for providing aftefnoon tea and the girls who helped and umpired, On school day, the "A" Team had a most enjoyable match against the "Old Girls" narrowly defeating them by 5 games. I have enjoyed being captain this year and wish the teams success in the future. - s.P.
..A'' TENNIS TEAM (I€ft to Right): E. Slmpson, J, Robertson, W.. Parkinson, S' Parkinson (Captain).
Elizabeth Sirnpson; Elizabeth has a reliable fore- hand and backhand. She has a suond vollev but she could improve her serve. She also tends to be a bit slovr on her feet. -s.p. Susan Parkinson : Susan has made an excellent captain and played a major part in the "A" and "B" successes. She has a sound sefvice, forehand and volley but there is room for improvement in her backhand. - G.M.
Team. Criticism lYendy Parkinson: lVendy is a good all round player with an effective setvice and reliable backhand. Her forehand is sound but could be improved. Jane Robertson : Jane is a keen and energetic player with a sound forehand and a good volley and backhand. Her serve could be more reliable.
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