1968 School Magazine

JA. S*t'.'*{ C****i{

the work of the pre{ects in maintaining the order and discipline of the school; to effect a liason betvreen all sections of the school; to seek inter- pretation and, where necessary tevision of the school rules and to promote and to suggest ways and means of promoting the general welfare of the school.

This year -the .School Council was brought i"ro Jp.tuiion for the first time' It was decided ;'h;;;;-;""cil should consist of Mrs' McDonald' ii,"'ri.inl.tm mis.tresses, the pre{ects and twenty councillors, five elected trom each rorm' The aims of the council are to supplement

THE SCHOOL COUNCIL Back Row (Left to Right): P. Roblnson, E. Dewar, M. Thomas, B' GraY, M. Stehr, M. Tonge, P. Watson, W. Shaw, M. Sears, L, Speuder. Middle Row: R. Day, F. DougaII' J. Woolcock, P. Fitzgerald, J. Menzies, M' Henzell, L. Collins, W. Stone, M. Phillips. Front Row: J. Secomb, W. Jones, M. Andrew, M. Allen, J. SeIIars, D. Verner, A. Trumbauer, T. Gunn.

PREFECTS Back Row (Left to Right) : M. Andrew, T. Gunn, W. Jones, A. Trumbauer, Front Row : D. Vemer, J. Sellars & M. Allen (Head Girls).

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