1916 School Magazine
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Dccember. 1916.
Sports Notes.
T HE Inter-school Sports for this year are now finished, and we were fortunate enough to carry off the Cup and the Swimming Pennant. The detailed scores will be found at the end of these notes. TENNIS. This year our points towards the Cup were lowered by the tennis results, which were not particularly brilliant. The team worked steadily, but the club on the whole lacked enthu- siastic support. The members of the Tennis ('lub must bear in mind that the team always want two "emergencies" ,o accompany them to other schools, and that those girls who do not gain a place in either the A or B teams ought to play harder during their tennis periods, so that they may at least be eligible to act as emergencies. We have now three tennis courts for the older girls, while the younger girls have had the basket ball court done I"' f *'h'ir use during this term. Some of the little uins have already shown signs of becoming 'the' players of the school. The School Tournament is Tot yet completed, the Championship Double. and Singles having still to be played off, but sincere thanks are due to Mrs. Foggon, who (as Miss Dodds) devoted a great deal of time and energy to our tennis, endeavouring to arrange time-tables, which might satisfy the demands of all members- always a most difficult operation. . The swimming this year has been better than it has been for some time, and the mem- bers of the club have taken the keenest Interest in this spor', the team having little difficulty in finding emergencies. This year we won both the Brockway Cup and the Inter- school Swimming Pennant, and at both contests the School was well represented, and the same wild shrieks of encourasement to the team were heard. The usual Tuesday after- noon swim does not take place this term, but we hope we shall be able to swim off for the Burrell Cup and the School Championship be- fore the Christmas vacation. Although most of the old swimmers of the school leave this year, there are still a number of girls who, if they train hard and do not lose interest, will be able to keep up the reputation of their school. Sports, as well as study play an Im- SWIMMING.
portant part in school life, and Just as much effort is required to make sports a success as lessons, so "buck up" and keep the place in sport that our school has held in former years. J. L. BASKET BALL. We have succeeded in gaining second place in the Inter-school Basket ball this year, win- ning four out of our six matches, the Ipswich Grammar School beating us twice. ('lissa Wilson and Rosetta Powell won their blues this year, and Essie Wilson also worked steadily throughout the year, but unfortunately it is impossible for three girls to win two blues. In the Inter-Form matches, Forms Va and IVa tied for first place, and so each form will hold the shield in turn for six months All the members of the team worked splen- didly, and, as half-way through the season a third (('C team was formed, there have always been plenty of girls at the practises on Tuesday and Friday afternoons. To our great regret poor "Prissie" has given up the ghost, but "Chrissie" has made a good substitute. Miss Lyons has devoted a great deal of time to superintending the practices, and it is partly owing to her efforts that we have been so successful. MEMBERS OF THE SCHOOL TEAMS. Teunti.-J. Lilley (captain), T. Drake, K. Hirschfeld, H. Walker, S. Drake (emergency). Basket Ball.-E. Hart (captain), J. Cribb, S Drake, H. Jackson. K. Parker, R. Powell, ( Wilson, E. Wilson. Swimming.-J. Lilley (captain). J. 'rlbb. 1) Joseph. J. Maddock. ID. Stephens, C. Wilson, E. Wilson. SPORTS ARSOCIATION RESULTS Tennis Bas. Ball. Swim. Points. Gamea. Polnm. Ipswich Grammar School 1882 5 0 St. Margaret's School 1838 26 4 Brisbane Grammar School 1746 4 37 Brisbane High School 1676 0 9 Southport High School 1572 - 4 Cup-Brisbane Girls' Grammar School. Tennis Pennant--Ipswich Girls' Grammar School. Basket Ball Pe.inant-Ipswich Girl' Gram- mar School. Swimming Pennant-Brisbane Girls' Gram- mar School.
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