Grammar Gazette- Issue 1, 2000



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11, ditf0 11. H, Incock, 11M, B Sc, GrrrdDjj, Eat^, Idmi", M Phil, EtcE, fillM, LEIPC

Iudith's award is minusically tied up \vith tile school and her 23 years of educational leadership in tints place. SIIe Iris been well and truly assisied. even enabled. by very professioiml staff. May we all relebmie andbe rightlvproudofJuttith andiius school: nia} Iudithbeliappy and Ii\e inn\Ie of 111e ciiomiity o11his recogiulioii: may education benefit as Iudith continiies to laboiir for the litglicsipossible sinndards andina^ we all conti"11c willI line Ile\er-ending siruggle to acliie\e o11r 0\\11 personal goals - snaring for 111utuat bellcfil whene\'er 1,055ible encll other's sorro\ts. joys and snoresscs One o1/11^ lit\'o11riie quotes - ' SIIccess Is 1101 tile result or spontaneous combustion - you'llust relyoursclToii lire! I ' IudiUi 11as done that and we can SIand back and adrrtire Tlic Board or Tmslees 10asls you - Iudith Hancock and BGGS and looks ton\, ard 10 a year of nappiness. success. celebration and millual henem of girls, star. pareiiis and coiniiirutityin tills waterslied of the ceriumies -lite Year 2000

I was pleased to speak at the Staff Meeting on Friday 28 January and o11 behalf of the entire schoolfuiitilyit gaveme muchplconure to congratulate Iudith Hancock. Pin^cipal. on 111e award of Member in the Order of Australia. fits awardlms been niade ill recognition of lier Receiving all Award un this order dcmaiids initi the recipient goes lire ECCondiitile -i. e. does Inncliinore nun is denianded by job or career. Iudiili miller mewlihiiiIhc adjicalioiwlseclor during ithc Irisi 11nriy years and paniciilarl} inclasllcii. 11ns dollcjusi inni. I do 1101 need to in Ik about lier service to edticaiion intougli BCGS - services 10 education ill 11ns Stale and \ yoti are all well aware or Inat achieveincni - and her incredible far sighted contribution to nits school \till continue for a rinitiber of years 10 conte inchth's special contribution lIas been in too particular directions * One in tile big picture arena of as we know. 111Auslralia

Dr CinerrellHirst, AO Chair, BCGS Board of Trustees

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Tile '10/1d Hallcock. /all, ,A, at 1/1e rill. a, 'of Cereii, o11v IL-Ri. ' I'lle. Din, Id. 11, drill. Din"d111, : Fro, Id Myonin, n!elv SIephm, Ie coind ,, o1 be preseJ, I

- of 111e innueiice this coll001 11as had upon 111ein. Those girls are now. and \vin continueto haleadcrs of OUT future colltmuiiities and mothers ortiie next generatioii. Ally influence o11 111eni \vhiclileads to a ticlier. more socially aware society wincrc wonien are regarded as eqimls will benefit OUT society' and us all. Iudith has 11nd a sigioficanl impartnetoulyat Girls Granimnrhiii also Ihrougli her enormous coinribution to Woineus College at Universii} or Qiieensland o\'er eiglitecit I ears * Lenders are only greai leaders if line^11n\e10/10\\ers - the Board or Tnistees is enoriiioiisl} proud or 11ns jusliUiiioii - lis leader Iudiili Hallcock - for lier \'is 10n Inno\ allo n. colllmillneni 10 educniioii findlo\'e Drille girls and 111e colicoi and also it is proud or cacli of\ o11 -illc 51:arcf tills scliool \\'110 MDrl; so ribl\ beside 11cr tin\ b\ da\ sei'\ing gciicr;11ioii after general1011 or \'o1/11g \Loineii and jinotigli tileiit our columniul\\ * 111dit111ms recci\cd Innii\' a\\rims alld 11/11cli rec0:!1111ioii ill Inaii\ un\s or er a 1111/1^ber or \ ears - bill this initiikis tileiiiosibroacU\triad a\\artl - the aw'ard In o51 generalI\ acrepied and acknowledged b\ tile coniinuiiiiy and I 11tink it is lining that it has o001rrred tillhis the 125, h Tear of the school

lieractivelobb}, 11g o11alloccasioiis for the best and niosi nonest or educational philciples and procures at Stale and Natioinllevels * Secondly ill tile lives. nones and dramns orthousands of girls - girls Nilo nave passed Ihrougli tilese doors and \\ho have gone into the world at large - someiinics very conscious - and sometimes less so

education alld we nave \\jinessed this 111rouglt lier service to DTDanizaiions sucli as AHISA. MsQ and Inariy others as weU as






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111,1111i 11n, ,COCA \11,111b, , in 1/1,01'11", Of. -illsirn/in ,, JP, /firs


Indri/, noneock receJves lier Alei, ,bell, , Ihe 01. der o1,111sir"h" minr, //o111 Ihe Goven, or '10/1ee, ,$1u, ,d. His ETCe!!e, ICUA/,\or General P, fur. JITi, $011 AO

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still provide a relre"I. serumar and in"ling area with a restored original library bookcase and tables and chairs

"Gee. hits Cooke. 11 looks like a Teal library. "

Dighl The return on an original library table, used for many years as the Bonrdroom tobie. ling also pro\Tded an area for smaller classes or groups of up to twelve for meetings and seminars Tile Westpac Reading Rooms

11 is not clear what the library was last y"r. but obviously the ne\\.. Impro\td library 11ad received 111e seal of rippro\ al from one Y"r 9 student at least

file library 51.11 awaits some ne\\. chairs for the Board table. but longer tables ha\e been situated in tile old conel area and a fiction lounge eslablislied






in fact, allusers have welcomed the 2000 \. ersion of The Beanland Memorial Library niey aimrre the new reception area willI the spacious circulation desk. the bank of search computers for Allce. the ease oraccess to the nvo main wings. and the added space and focilities ThemGillty of an un-library teelmology hub with data projection and fifteen crimpuiers has been a genuine bonus. This focility has been fully booked on some school days The usage rates are already significantly higher thait 1999 figures

The Parents and Friends Association has also kindly provided a special guni for the purchase of new fiction sheI\ing This became a priority when the refurbishment I"gl, light"d Just h, *" .Id. ,I. k. ty ""d 1.11 U, . ,ld an, k, were The new shelving has a cleaner and lower profile and a wooden hash. in keeping with the new decor The library rin\\. 11as I\*o new black and \\, bile Xerox phDlneopiers as well as an up firaded coloor machine A scanner has been installed in 111e technology moni us Ihe library progresses towards lis aim or providing a one'slop information shop ^a school G/*tiff, IR GAZETIEM4y2000 - Puge 9












filere are arcas for sewn witole classes at once with a range of furniture fruitt Individual cartels to tables for groups of up to

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