Grammar Gazette- Issue 1, 2000
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The The BGGS Seniorstudent\viners' first encounter \viniHeIen Garner was at the cockmil party held to welcome lier on Sunday 7 May. Her lively address on the subject ofwtiiing combined fukiales of encounters \vini editors \*ith the precarious Do ri s injure of tilelife of a writer. 11 soon
Townsend Memorial TmbiI 8-1.2 May
Wa rake r
Wri te r s
The reading of passages of fovoorite prose or poetry was one of the most memorable aspects of our weal:, expanding OUT interests from our own spheres of literary experienceinto the worlds of others Childhood favourites. as weU as many
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begune apparent Inat the Gluming week of I HeIen Gamec one of Austinffa's for Postcards from Surfers. ' and the I snared tile Writers Camp was to be one of intense I mosth@hlyiega, dedcontempoiary Gold WalkleyAwaidforJoumalism I and hones I reflection and cream. Ity, and it I authors, was born in Gee/orig, in 7993
HeIen Gamer offered to each one of us a Ier'el of constructive reedback and criticism
proved to be
I Vidon6 andeducatedatMelboume of our work t\, litch helped 115 to set new I UruVersity She basalso worked as In 7995He/en Gamer wrote her first I sinndards and ideals for oar future wrtting I a h@h school teachec academic, book of nonfat^n, The First Stone, I On belulrof the oilier \witers. I\\. o1itdlike 110umalist, reviewer andsciipfwrtter which became an instantbestse//er I to nunk HeIen for girtding us on our quest andwonAustiafian Bookofthe Year I 10 find oar "voices" ill our \wining. dufuig I Over the years she has won (1996). She hasiecentlypubl^^hed I tilecaiiip. we\\Greprivileged towork\*1111 In umerous awards: the 7978 My Hard Heart, a powerful and I sucliareiio\vncd\witer. Thanksalsoto I National Book Council Award for I'm pressive collection of short I our advisor and gommeiclief; Airs Heren I Monkey Grip, ' the 7986 South fiction. Her screenplays include I Geraglity. andtolvfrs Robyn COINtu. whose marvellous organisational skills I Australian Premiers Festival Award The Last Days of Chez Nous and I enabled the Camp to be a great coccuss I for The ChildrenS Bach, ' the 7986 Two Friends I New South Wales Premiers Award L______________ J
Nineteen Sentor studentsjoi"ed HeIen amier on the week-long Camp aruieBGGS Memorial 0111doorEducaiioiiCenire at Innbil. TITe weanierwas glorious and conducive to boili outdoor acii\, ity and contemplatioiiottiie nattrraleii\ironmcni Many or ttie \\Titers took tile OPPorluiitty to relax winicanoeing andiakingin the scenery. on Lake Boniniba With reclJess abandon, we fuelv away. tile sometimes resincii\e academic gelires or I\filing for wrtiinginUiepurely creative style. Imagination became as important as a widevocabulan, and analviicalsldlls. We all worked hard at our wrttiiig and were impressed with the breadth of subject nuller and originality jilthe jests that were shared
The Dons Wanter Townsend Menlon al Writers Camp was a unique and worthwhile experience for all students involved. We hope that the school \vin continue 10 SlippOrt young \un'Iers in their creative endeavoors. and that students in 111e fillune win also ei, oy the OPPorhiiiity 10 work \vilh andle:Iru hani onIer great Australian
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On Tilesday' 21 Maricii. I; F1irscltheld. along \nili tito oilier Yenr 8 cl"sses \isited the libr/doI, V, Tills exhibit on theftsile\elorilic CellniiniuiBlock Siraiglil riflerluncli\Ie g;likercd outside 111e classrooms to \Lull for our Mallis ioncliers and 111e lib, Iof of Akinis organisers. Once inside. \\e sal o11 111e noor NIIile Mr Ha}don laked to us aboui Maihs. we spent riboiii tell mirinics distilssi"g 1110 uses of Mains in orciipa!ions. as well as in e\, ery day acti\. mes. SIIcli as sports. Innsic and cooking. He tileii c\plained tile acii\'ines and now groups of me 10 six girls shrillld \\ nth 0111/10/11 For 111e next 11.11r Ihe ceparalc groiips \10rked culliusiasiicnlly to collipleie as maru. ticiiLilies as
possiblc A bookiei was nanded aroiiiid in twincli \\e wrote our anSI\ers Tlierc\\erc sixieciiaciivitiesinioial I\ith cocli group gemng around six 10 tell tintshed. Nl \\ere nands{in andiru"Mienmiica!11'challenging. A1abou! 2.50pm Mr Haydon gilliered us again to read out tile correci an51rers He tileii nunked us for o11r panicipaiion and we were dismissed at 3.00piii. Thc Irisii\\o periods orTiiesda\' 21 Mareli were boili fun and cdiia!nouni. lib, /do/',\Iaihs incurpomled Mallis and lionds*in acti\incs iii a \\ a}- Minicii \\ as clialleiigiiig ;111
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