Objects of Substance- Year 12 “Reimagined” Blouse

1962 in the old gymnasium.

In the 1960s, the celebration was often held in the final swimming lesson – now we had a pool – or a more demure picnic lunch with invited staff. It was during this decade that pranks seemed to have evolved. I have memories of Condies crystals and detergent in the old toilet block behind the Main Building, the floors covered in purple bubbles. Sue Meeking (1965) recalls that “A couple of girls hung an effigy (can't remember of whom) from the rafters of the old toilet block. I'm sure there was an article in the newspaper about that.” (Email 15.11.22) It seems the old toilet block was a prime location for a prank! Kristine Cooke (1967) remembers the effigy of a Grammar girl hung from the covered way just outside the back door of the Main building .

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