Objects of Substance- Timetable
there is a morning tea break of twenty-five minutes and a lunch break of forty minutes on four days, and sixty minutes on Wednesdays.
1998 Elizabeth Hatton and Ann Farley in the US researching timetabling. During the early 1990s, much discussion and debate was undertaken about what makes an ideal timetable and school structure with a number of staff being sent to the United States to a conference on timetabling and different school structures. They also visited many schools to experience such structures in operation. Ideas came back around longer lesson times and more cross-curricula teaching to utilise allocated time differently. New school day structures were proposed and considered. A teacher at the time, Dr Ann Farley, wrote an article reflecting on the changes called “Optimising possibilities” but, interestingly, the structure of the school was changed very little from the way it had been for the previous 100 years.
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