Objects of Substance- The Climbing Wall
for changing those climbs regularly, usually every two years, to provide school climbers with variety and challenge. An unusual addition to a girls’ school gymnasium and an impactful focus for the opening of the centre, the wall became the envy of many schools and regularly hosted Brisbane Grammar climbers and the SEQ Rock Climbing Championships for two years.
1995 Opening of the McCrae Grassie Sports Centre
One of the most spectacular elements of the opening of the Civil and Civic built McCrae Grassie Sports Centre in 1995 was the inspirational display of a group of Grammar climbers scaling and abseiling off the wall. If there was ever a metaphor for the aspirations the School had for its students, this was it! After this opening, the dominant group to climb was Year 12. There were approximately thirty passionate climbers who were challenged on a weekly basis and, subsequently, it was decided that the first successful climber of a particular climb would be given the right to name that climb. However, the ’95 Seniors determined that they would name each climb as a group. There were six climbs to be named and all were conquered in 1995, except for the tallest and most difficult
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