Objects of Substance- OGA Rangakarra Gates

2015 Principal, Ms Jacinda Euler, Chair of Trustees, Ms Elizabeth Jameson (1982), and OGA President, Mrs Janine Schmidt (1964)

The concept for the gates came through discussion at the OGA Committee level when choosing an appropriate gift for the 140 th anniversary of the School. The Committee members wanted to present a significant gift that would be long-lasting, practical, useful, beautiful, and symbolic. The president and the Committee thought that gates for the newly established playing fields at Fig Tree Pocket would meet all the criteria. Following the initial discussion in August 2014, the OGA committee delegated the task of designing and commissioning the gates to the President, Janine Schmidt, and myself, an Old Girl and School representative on the OGA Committee. Following internet research and exploration of images of gates in various contexts and, with some some poetic licence, a design was determined with assistance from Shane Skillen, the School’s 2015 Director, Digital Pedagogies. The design was a modern interpretation of the wrought iron on the Main Building of the Spring Hill campus. The image was approved by both the Committee and the School. Quotations were then sought for a product which would be both durable and aesthetically pleasing, as well as clearly displaying the Girls Grammar badge and name. Stoddart Manufacturing was the chosen manufacturer and they produced stylish and appropriate gates that are both striking and distinctive.

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