Objects of Substance- Libellum Motif

Patricia Lahey June 1939, page 35

Colleen Juanita Gregg (IV A) December 1942, page 29

The designs also reveal the influential art movements of their day, such as the Art Deco movement of the 1930s and 1940s evident in Betty Nobbs’ (IV A) gothic cityscape. Other tiles were more whimsical, featuring playful images of rabbits, ducks [Betty Young (III B) 1938] and Australian wildlife. One wonders if the task set was to create a frieze that would be the ornamentation for a child’s nursery. Frieze design appeared to generate significant interest evident in Gloria Levy’s (VI) 1944 magazine article where she explained the steps to ‘ornamentation’, commencing with drawings of natural objects, stylising and then arranging into a pattern. (Levy, 1944)

Betty Nobbs, (IV A) December 1938, 39

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