Objects of Substance- Grammar Gloves and the Gate Duty Book

These books reveal interesting details about the Grammar girls of the 1970s. Not much has changed, with recalcitrant girls being entered into the dreaded gate duty book for a variety of misdemeanours such as wearing nail polish, not having a badge, incorrect or no ribbons, no hat, and a “chain around neck.” It does have a 2022 ring about it!

1963 Three students who may have appeared in the Gate Duty Book! Spot the misdemeanour!

The important elements of the uniform noted in these books reflected how the uniform was expected to be worn. Singlets are repeatedly listed in the VIB 1972 Gate Duty book, some signed off by Beth Woods, 1972 Head Girl and later our first Rhodes Scholar. It was certainly a 1960s/70s’ expectation that while “strap-hanging” in a tram or bus, your skin was not exposed at the waistline, and hence regular singlet checks occurred.

Gate Duty Books, gloves, and reference to singlets.

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