Objects of Substance- Grammar Gazette
from outside organisations and companies [just like the earliest School magazines] to help defray printing costs. It was a considerable commitment to fill the Gazettes with interesting and topical items, [The largest edition in 1995 was twenty pages long.] Each term, the editorial committee held meetings at which various ideas were bounced around before assigning reporters and recruiting extra student and staff writers.
2022 L to R – Evelyn Ma (11R), Angeline Hsu (11G), Grace Paschkewitz (11O) and Jacqueline Hii (11R) viewing past Gazettes.
However, it eventuated that it was not a problem for the editorial committee to identify stories to fill the pages. There was, and is, something always happening in school life: service and curriculum activities, a dynamic program of events from concerts to drama productions, from dinners to celebrations, and a packed sporting calendar. These were obvious places to start but it soon became apparent that stories about past students and their post-school careers and lives, the activities of the parent groups, regular contributions from the Chair of Trustees and the Principal, and offerings by talented student artists and photographers appeared to contribute to the diverse content. This variety allowed readers an intimate insight into the complex, interesting, wide-ranging life of the Grammar girl and her interests and activities at school and after.
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