Objects of Substance- Commemorative Tree Grove

On the 21 st May, 2000, an enthusiastic crowd of members of the Grammar community descended on Marrapatta to meet, to celebrate how far the centre had come, to recognise the contributions of Grammar fathers, and to plant trees.

2000 The conga line of participants waiting to enter the field pre planting.

Tree planting ceremonies and groves were not a new concept. The School, in its history, has had two groves on the Gregory Terrace campus: the Anzac Grove and a wattle grove. The Anzac Grove was started in 1920 to commemorate the memory of those Anzac soldiers killed in World War I. Three past students, all Red Cross nurses of that war, Sisters Grace Wilson (1899), Gertrude Andrews (1900), and Eunice Paten (1902), each planted a tree. The original grove has since disappeared but, in 2015, a new version was established at Rangakarra with wattles and a lone pine seedling taking pride of place.

Eunice (Ness) Paten.

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