Objects of Substance- The Subject of Accounting

academic subjects. Caught up in the significant conceptual transition in Queensland secondary education from 1975- 1985 from a norm-based to a criteria-based system of assessment, all syllabuses have had to adapt with the assessment of higher levels of cognition requiring students to show a theoretical understanding, to synthesise and problem solve using higher order thinking and to analyse and interpret. The current 2019 syllabus emphasises these skill sets even more recognising that while procedural accounting is not the realm of the accountant any longer; the problem solving, explaining of one’s understanding of a problem that has been analysed and evaluated, are essential accounting skills.

Accounting at Brisbane Girls Grammar School has continued to grow and develop as an academic subject of equal status to other elective subjects offered in Years 11 and 12. The introduction of Accounting into the Year 10 curriculum in 2019, forty years after Mrs Hancock’s letter introducing it into the School, shows it continues to thrive.

Phillipa Greig Staff 2002 – 2021

The author’s co-authored textbook

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