2014 School Magazine

JUNIOR GEOGRAPHY ANASTASIA GEORGIOU (9O) AND ALEXANDRA RUSH (9O) Having chosen Geography as an elective, it was interesting to learn about all the different factors that affect the way we live, whether it was about the biomes and landforms of the world, the availability of food or the topic of the digital world. The unit on food security was a real eye-opener, especially the global struggles with food security. To think that such extreme poverty and malnutrition are still present in our modern day world is shocking. The unit on interconnections and the internet was interesting, as we got the chance to learn about things that directly affect us and are present in our generation. We learnt about how people connect, the history of the internet, the new digital age that has been formed and the outcomes of it all. In particular, we learnt about the digital divide, the gap between those who do and don’t have access to the internet and why, and what can be done to reduce it. Studying Geography this year has made us appreciate the world in which we live. It has brought serious matters to our attention and helped us comprehend and consider possible outcomes that could change places for the better. It involves critical thinking and an understanding of general topics that are relevant to the ever-growing population and the resulting environmental and social problems facing the world. ■

GEOGRAPHY CAMP BETHAN NEEDHAM (11E) In February, the Year 11 Geography girls travelled to Marrapatta for a Geography camp. The two-day camp involved the girls collecting information and data for our assignment that term about managing the natural environment.

We studied how the local water source, Yabba Creek, and the surrounding catchment were managed and used by the local community and how this impacted the Creek. We were fortunate to have the chance to listen to a number of local property owners, such as dairy and cattle farmers. These interviews not only assisted with the writing of our report, but also helped us understand the actions and initiatives that many communities are undertaking to improve the sustainability of the natural environment. Overall, the girls thoroughly enjoyed the Geography camp and were grateful for the opportunity to gain an insight into how communities can work to sustainably manage local catchments. ■

SENIOR GEOGRAPHY YEAR 12 GEOGRAPHY CLASS Senior Geography is a practical, stimulating and culturally enriching subject. There are numerous links to everyday life. Through hands on experiences like field trips, the senior cohort has been able to develop their awareness and appreciation of the wider world. This year we explored a range of topics including climate change, the Great Barrier Reef, rural and urban settlements, and connecting people and places through infrastructure and technology. Geography is unique in that it studies the patterns and processes experienced in society today. ■


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