2014 School Magazine


In Year 10 History, I have developed an awareness of the significance not only of history in the past, but also history in the future. This may sound confusing, but through my study of politics, races, religions and war, history has enabled me to increase my awareness and comprehension of the news and events of today. Not only have I enjoyed learning about the news of now, but also the news of yesterday. I am grateful for the understanding history has provided as it will inform my future. ■


In April, Year 10 History students travelled to Palace Cinemas at the Barracks where we watched The Monuments Men . This was a fitting conclusion to our History unit on World War II. The Monuments Men was an interesting movie about a group of men who set out to protect famous artworks from being taken or destroyed as a result of the war. Before the movie began, one of the History teachers, Mrs Hills, gave us an insight into the background of this film, in particular the significant artworks that were lost, stolen or destroyed during the war. ■ MODERN HISTORY This year Modern History has been an incredibly thought- provoking and enriching subject in multiple ways. The subject has allowed me to learn about a diverse array of contemporary events, individuals and movements that have had a significant impact on shaping the world we live in today. Through such intellectually stimulating content, I have been able to develop my analytical and communication skills, something that I have greatly benefited from not just within the subject but in the way I approach other subjects as well. Modern History has very much broadened my view of the world and made me aware of the ongoing issues that continue to impact the

world today. Moreover, my ability to research has greatly improved, and the assessment has also provided me with the skills to look at an issue from a variety of divergent angles, allowing me to comprehend how multi-layered and multi-dimensional historical events can be. I have found the freedom within assignments to explore such a wide variety of topics and within these topics come to our own conclusions, to be particularly enjoyable. Overall, I have greatly benefited from the subject and found it has influenced and enriched, not only my education, but also the way I look at the world as a whole. CLAUDIA CAMERON (12B) Modern History has been a crucial component in our development into worldly, intelligent women, who share an interest in understanding the past in order to improve the future. We have developed skills that enable us to diplomatically discuss modern conflicts, such as the current Arab-Israeli conflict and twenty-first century civil wars. Not only have we delved into the injustices of the past, but we have also revelled in the significant historical milestones of the modern world. These studies have transformed us into more empathetic and aware individuals. This ‘self-development’ manifested itself in our unit on Feminism, which enlightened us on the struggles of women throughout history and empowered and inspired us to live full and happy lives following our own path.

Old girl Chrysula Winegar (Lytras, 1985) shared her experiences working with the United Nations Foundation with Modern History students Lydia Gandhi (10O) and Isabelle McGrath (10R).



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