2014 School Magazine

SENIOR MATHEMATICS MATHEMATICS A This year, Year 12 Mathematics A students have been exposed to a broad range of topics including networking, financial maths, the exploration of data, and topographical, directional and spacial measurements. Girls found the subject interesting and the varied curriculum to be helpful in everyday applications such as budgeting, purchasing a car, and planning for the future. While challenging at times due to the precision and accuracy expected, the subject provided students with a platform from which to extend their practical mathematical knowledge. We appreciated the fact that financial maths was incorporated into the curriculum as it has provided us with an advantage transitioning into adult life. The encouragement of teachers, notably the individual attention and care given to each student, made girls feel supported and contributed to the overall learning environment. SOPHIE BARENDSE (12H), SOPHIE O’MEARA (12R) AND EUGENIE SMITH (12M)

MATHEMATICS B With the step up to senior Mathematics this year, Maths B has proven to be both an enjoyable and challenging subject. On top of a consolidation of our junior Mathematics skills, we have had many opportunities to extend and develop our skills through Moodle activities and out of class competitions and pursuits. The inclusion of take-home Maths assignments has also been a new addition this year, a challenge that has once again allowed us to really reinforce the concepts we are currently studying. JOSEPHINE AUER (11B) The national crisis of high school students’ plummeting interest in intermediate maths is a far cry from the utopia of Mathematics B at BGGS. One step through the classroom door plunges you into a paradise where keen students realise the fundamental mathematic phenomena underpinning everyday, real-life scenarios. The thrill multiplies as students delve further into the realm of algebraic manipulation, calculus procedures and trigonometric modelling — commonplace classroom routines. An appreciation for this kind of beauty ensures the survival of intermediate mathematics is unthreatened at BGGS. GABRIELLE BENNETT (12W) MATHEMATICS C In Mathematics C, we were able to develop our mathematical prowess by extending the knowledge and skills acquired in Mathematics B and learning about several new and exciting topics. While some of the topics we encountered involved using sophisticated mathematical techniques to solve real-world problems, some of the most fascinating ideas related to very abstract topics such as group theory and complex number systems. VARANYA VASUDEVAN (11W) This year’s senior Mathematics C cohort has been a tight-knit and lively bunch, allowing the classroom to be an interactive and engaging environment. As the girls battled matrices and conics, each and every one gained irreplaceable problem- solving skills that will benefit them for years to come. Although all girls would agree Mathematics C is one of the more academically challenging subjects, the fascinating complexity of the subject coupled with the satisfaction of mastering the concepts, have made it an extremely enjoyable two years. HANNAH HASSUM (12E) Math C – Taste of Uni experience In May, seven Year 11 girls and four Year 12 girls travelled to The University of Queensland to explore applications of Maths C in real life. The day involved three lectures based on knot theory, graph colouring and the mathematics of juggling. We investigated ways that knots could be tied and untied, how to schedule exams so that no exams clash and patterns in juggling balls. Overall, the experience was very eye opening and enjoyable. It let us truly comprehend the type of work mathematicians do in the real world and gave us a further understanding of Maths C. IVY WU (11G)


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