2014 School Magazine



Congratulations to all volleyball girls, with every team ending their season with a win! Special congratulations to the Year 9 team and their coach, Mrs Gunn, on winning the premiership. Thank you to everyone involved in making this season such a success. The girls’ dedication, enthusiasm and fight throughout the year made your coaches, volleyball coordinator Ms Walsh and myself immensely proud. As Volleyball Captain, I couldn’t have asked for a better group of girls to play and train alongside and spend my last year at Girls Grammar Volleyball with; you have made this year unforgettable. Thank you to Ms Walsh without whom this season wouldn’t run so smoothly. In addition, thank you to everyone who went out of their way to come and support the girls. It was greatly appreciated and made a huge difference to the teams. I hope that you will consider trying or playing volleyball next year. It is a sport that develops communication, co-ordination, team and problem solving skills and allows you to make new memories and fantastic friends. Following the end of the QGSSSA season a number of girls started to prepare for the Queensland Junior Schools Cup and the Australian Schools Cup Volleyball Competition. Both competitions are an amazing opportunity to improve on skills, learn new ones and experience a high level of game play not yet seen. Good luck to all those girls preparing for the competitions as we know you will use your new skills to dominate in QGSSSA again next year! ■

The 2014 touch season was not only a transitional one, but also a very successful and exciting season. It was the first season we were able to host our competition at our own Fig Tree Pocket fields. We hope that the fields grow and develop in the future and girls continue to have the success they had this season. This year we had the largest ever squad in the history of Girls Grammar touch. Each week on Friday night, the Girls Grammar teams supported and cheered on the other competing teams, through drop-offs, successes and challenges. All the girls performed tremendously as a team, with most placing in the top three of the competition. In the final rankings, the Senior B and 10B teams finished second; 10A and 8B finished third; 9B finished fourth; 8A fifth; Senior A and 9A sixth and the Open Team eighth. This would not have been possible without the amazing support and skills of our coaches.

Congratulations to Lizzie Perrin (10H), Erica Shmelzer (10E) and Elizabeth Saunders (12G) who represented Metropolitan North at the Under 15 and Under 18 Queensland School Sport Touch Championships. As captains this year, we were privileged to have the support of our outstanding coordinator Miss Stark, as well as our exceptional manager Mr Laur. With their support, we were able to lead a fantastic squad of girls who were dedicated and enthusiastic at both training and games. Overall the season was a huge success and would not have been possible without the energy and enthusiasm from all coaches, coordinators and players. ■

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