2014 School Magazine
We had five girls representing the School in MetNorth at the Queensland Schools State Championships this year. Within the QGSSSA competition, special mention must be made of the 8B team. They demonstrated great aptitude, claiming our only undefeated QGSSSA premiership. Additionally, the Opens team faced tough competition week-in and week-out, finishing their season in a credible fourth place. This year we also enjoyed our first Pink Day and Supporters Day. Our Pink Day was in honour of Breast Cancer Awareness, and the girls donned bright pink ribbons for their games, and gave a gold coin donation in return for an array of very tasty pink treats. We raised more than $100 which was donated to the McGrath Foundation. Supporters Day saw friends and teachers of our basketballers cheer on the girls as they played. Both events were huge successes, and we hope they are continued in coming years. It has been an honour to captain such an enthusiastic squad of basketball players this year. Remember — ALWAYS GETCHA HEAD IN THE GAME. ■
CRICKET EMMAYA GUNAWARDENA (12O) AND YEHANKA RANASINGHE (12H), CAPTAINS This year cricket was lucky enough to be the first sport to play at our new Fig Tree Pocket fields and we look forward to many more successful games there following an excellent season in 2014. The Opens cricket team showed immense team spirit throughout the season. Narrowly defeated numerous times, the girls even played out two draws before triumphing in the last game of the season against Somerville House on home turf. Division 1 had an absolutely fantastic time this year finishing off undefeated! The highlight was definitely going into our last game undefeated against Clayfield College, also undefeated at the time. The whole team stepped up and played an inspiring game of cricket to record a convincing win and secure an undefeated premiership. As basketball captains this year, we worked hard to foster a strong sense of amity within our Girls Grammar basketball community. All girls embodied and achieved our goal, as they were supportive and encouraging of one another both on and off the court. Teams played in Terms I and II against strong competition, and all members are to be commended for their achievements. Girls Grammar basketball was a success both in and outside the QGSSSA competition this year.
Helena McCarthy’s exceptional wicket keeping skills, Olivia Bundock’s spectacular catch, and Lucille Crawford and Amanda Chen’s batting made this a match to remember. Division 2 showed the greatest improvement throughout the season winning the last two games. As the team consisted of all the youngest players, cricket at Girls Grammar has great hopes for the future. A big thank you goes out to our coaches and managers: Britney Kidd, Kellie Thompson, Mr Larkin, Mr Wheatley, Mrs Knight, Dr Johnson and Mr Armitage. We were also lucky to have Rick Maher and Cara Musk from the Australian Services Cricket Association to work on our batting skills throughout the season. We’d like to say a MASSIVE thank you to Mr Lanning for being an exceptional coordinator this year. His tireless effort and support is much appreciated by the entire squad. ■
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