2014 School Magazine


KLEIO SOCIETY The Kleio Society is a group of ancient historians from all year levels, who meet once a week to discuss different topics from the ancient world. We also focused on fundraising initiatives to further the study of ancient history in Brisbane. This year, our main fundraising event was our ‘Dare a Humanities Teacher Day’. The Humanities Department and the Kleio Society worked together to gain sponsorship for each teacher, as they appeared for one day only in costume as legendary historical figures. This proved an entertaining sight for the Humanities students, as we were spellbound by Abraham Lincoln’s lectures on Feminism and Queen Elizabeth I’s teachings on Greek philosophy. The event raised just over $700, which will be used to purchase an artefact for the RD Milns Antiquities Museum at The University of Queensland. The Kleio Society has provided the students of BGGS with the opportunity to engage with history beyond the classroom, and make a tangible impact upon the wider historical community.

Astronomy Club allows girls to understand and explore space. We meet fortnightly to extend our scientific and mathematical studies. It is perfect for any girl interested in the world outside of Earth. This year we studied the motion of planets seen from Earth as it orbits the Sun, and explored retrograde motion of these planets. We discussed the many different space observatories and the frequency range at which they operate. As well as studying the theory, we also learn how to operate technology such as telescopes and computer simulations. We also used a programme called Stellarium to observe how stars move across the sky. While learning about exciting, modern technology and discoveries, we also studied the history of Astronomy; Kepler and Galileo being just two of the astronomers we examined. An exploration of the history of Astronomy is a wonderful way of understanding the different equations used to describe planetary motion as well as an insightful exploration into the historical, cultural and religious beliefs about space and Earth. Astronomy Club is not just classroom based. On some evenings, we meet with the BGS Astronomy Club to observe the night sky, locate interesting objects and learn how to use a wide range of telescopes. Many friendships were made during the Astronomy evenings. ■


Gandhi’s house, the Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope, a village ‘haat’ where there was henna, dancing and markets and finally, some friendly soccer matches. IJSO was one of the most incredible experiences of my life. We met so many people from all around the world, sharing stories and jokes, whether it was over the ‘graffiti board’ where we posted our lame jokes or when learning Spanish with the Argentinians. Whilst the academic side of IJSO was incredibly worthwhile, especially for our studies in Year 11, the best parts of this trip lay in the lifelong memories and friendships we formed in just ten days. ■

In the last week of Term IV in 2014, Jacinta MacGinley (11B), Zahra Knights (11R) and I arrived not at school, but at Brisbane International Airport. For the past two terms we had been training in biology, chemistry and physics, three mornings a week, to prepare for the International Junior Science Olympiad (IJSO), held in Pune, India. After settling into our rooms and meeting our guide Ritika, we spent the first night meeting students from other countries and bonding with our new team mates. Over the course of the next ten days, we participated in many cultural activities, as well as three exams. The activities included visiting


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