1918 School Magazine

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December, 1918.



Peculiar Nest.'

M ADAMU CippW ws in dniut *l shoW~ b i her meet Ybc.rLus 4. were too pobli., bease of th. wadering she aid to Mr. Chipp7, as sh aght sight .f the wlre~netted hrm be e th ern awerhaglag it, em Mr. N-' Day b7 day she sa her hubud laboured, util t last tune wras mad. right throgh dt is vry hady to have a bek door, also ,retilatles is eaidred esential nowadays," sld she to her huesad. In be time, three tiy eg were her daily "MJs th very tin," as to where

earej to the great delght of the N-- famly . Os. morning, moon after, re. N - ced to her husband, "John! Do come andl.oo at these darling little chipplee" So, meaw from mar- auding boys ad under the wondering eyes et the whole N- househbld, the three little Chip. pies had their daily meals, and too noon, for all eoerned, thy matured. Then the whole fam- ily Sew away. Peehape some of them may some bask to re- ocapy thedr old home which still sways a the er adah. Founded on fact. Written by Jean Bibrough.

rrhe Prefects.

(A Parody on "Those Teachers.") Who stalk about thro' all th schools And when th eatch us breaking rule Make us fel wre silly fools? The Proeets!

They'll come and give away the show? The Prefectl Who always after shool each day, Wait in the porch so they may say, "Put on your gloves to go away?" And when we think the coast is clear, They're always sure to be quite near, And at your glovelese baud. they sneer? The Prefects! UH., IV A. The Pretestl

And when we're having say ftn, Along with eager step they rum, And say it isn't to be dane

The Prefectl!

And when with jay.. steps we go Down to the gym., we always know,


In their wistful hearts they yearn For their hero son's retura. Mothers, kaitting secks at home, For the lads on Ia d foam, Are content to do the little things, In praie of which the whole world rings. Unselfsh all, with purpose true, Resolved to make the Germans rue The cruel deeds that they have done, But worthy (only) of a Hua.

Nally, rally at your Empire 'a ell, Now th words do stir us 4. Boys, at shol, at play, at work, Desple the able -e that shirk, And wait the time wh they san go o help our me to ight the fee. Oli4 at slol, at work, at play, Do thelt little bit cash day, And do their very best to aid, Upheld t mther beps have made.


E. )., Lower mI.a.

?athers, i their daly tasks, Strive to do what duty ass,




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