1918 School Magazine
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GI LS GRAMAR 8COOL MAGAZINE. / . .~ , "' , , , ' .. •,
December, 1918.
Jardialeres were bought by members of oar Form, for owere to beaatiy ou room, but whoe anyoe i sin nd of chalk, it i sure to be fomd in the Jardinieres of II.e. We may be able to talk of our "Chalk Containers," but not of our brmlns. On a Wednaeday moinrg, we think of everything but our War avings, which we should not forget, as the soldiers never forget to Ight for us. Now we ar begnalag to think of these things as w re getting older, and get a few more brains (for War 8avng). The Juniors will be having their examination soon. III.e all wih the Juniors of the Boys' and Girs' Grammar Sehools every success, aad we hope that our Behool tops the list for the meet passes in the examination. Miss Wise, ear Form Mistres, has tried to make s obey and leara graphs. We thanak her and the other Mistresses for their patience and efforts to teaeh us. We are sorry to say a poetess doesn't belong to our Form, so we cannot ask you to admire the beautiful lines from IIIe. At the Inter-sehool Sperts, our school came out with fying colours, obtaining more points than any of the other schools. 0. H. 8. We are a bhand of thirty-three girls, and each tries to do her share of Red Cross work. We sent twelve boxes to the soldiers, ad we sin- cerely hope that they will reach their destina- tion safely, and the contents will please and help to brighten the boys in the trenehes for Christmas. We have been playing a tourna- ment for the last fortniagt, whih gave us good practice. It was a very elose contest as the win- ners, Elfrida Walsh and Nola Wilkinson, only beat Jessie Btephenson and Lexie Drake by one point. Swimming has tarted again, and every girl is pratising very hard in order to get a place in the Form team. Our Form Captain, 'Granny' has distinguished herself greatly, as she is a member of the c8hool Swimming and Basket-ball teams. "Babblee" is a good swimmer Ilo; "Joee,' "Sqlib" ad "Bouneer," though the cleverest, are by no means the life of the class, for this title goes to "Squeak," whobeo hum- oros laildents are too numerous to mentio.. "Baby," oar Form beauty, is a promisirg all- youad sport, who having contracted inhaueas, Iw gastly missed dring her etay in bed. We a
everybody. The results of some of the tennis- ni~ehkes are not' yt determined, bat we hope, t at both in sports bad study, III. will con- ftbue to' hold its own amongst the Thirds. * : * ni year III.b, sad to say, has not been very good so fa as general conduct is con- cerned, hut on the whole we are supposed to have a fair amount of sortex in our brains. Our tennis has been splendid, for we only lost seven out .of ei.gh matehes, and thus achieved the distinction of being second (last) in the Inter Form contest. With a little les practice we might have been able to lose the remaining match. Ifowever, we are not very proud of our perfornlance at tennis, but hope with the as pistanee of our best player, Dorothy Stubbin, to improve our position later. Baske-hall is much more in our line. We are the bert in the Third Forms at it, and the Form is represented in the A, B, and C teams. We heartily congratulate Mavis MeFarlane on obtaining a place in the A team, and eouider- ing that she did not play Basket Ball till she came here, we think she has done remarkably well. We are looking forward to the Gymnaatie contest, and are hoping to do well. The girls are all keen. We seLt a number of .Christmas boxes to our soldiers, and it is to be hoped that the boat which conveys them will not be torpedoed this year as one was last year. In conclusion, we wish the girls who are sit- ting for their Junior or Senior examinations the best of luck. ALTHOUGH there are only twenty-one girls in our Form, enough noise is made for twenty-one boys. We are the smallest of the Third Forms, and our Form-room is in the old studio, and .we are often worried (9) by girls walking out "pour une promenade" from IU.b. III. can elaim three girls in the Basket-ball "C" Teem, one being the Captain of the teem, and of the Form also. We are all ready when Sports eome along, and although we like our own Ulttle game of tennIa, oet many of us make mueh headway. If we did, we would have w amre mathea. .TI
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