June 1959 School Magazine

:Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Magazine

July,, 1959

July, 19591

Brisbane Girlls' Grammar School Magazine

lnter-form Swimming Competition was keenly contested at the Valley Baths on Mmch 23rd, and resulted in VIC narrowly defeating IliA. Tennis and basketball matches are now in progress; and the hard work put in by the teams with Mrs. Melzer's h~lp augurs well for future results. Athletics practices are now in lull swing, in preparotion for the Inter-form Competition in July. This year, we welcomed to the teaching staff, Miss Brown, Miss Roche, and Miss Hebden, and at the end of first term we said good-bye to Miss Minogue, who left us to go overseas. During the year, the slope above the tuckshop has been ierraced and cemented, a new front fence has been erected, a tennis practice board built, and the roof of the main building :has been painted. The production of "The Merchant of Venice" by the Reper- iory Theatre was enjoyed by Fourths and Thirds, and Sixth Form, with some Fifths, will shortly be seeing Twelfth Night's production of "The Tempest" . Third and Fifth Forms spent an entertaining afternoon at the A.B.C.'s Schools Concert, while Fifths and Sixths attended ·a special Schools' Concert given by the Sydney Symphony Or- ·chestra. On the 26th February a number of the Sixth Form were -fortunate enough to be present at a most impressive ceremony held in the City Hall, the Women's Centenary Rally and Dedica- tion Service. Another important occasion at which some Seniors were present was the opening of the new Women's College at St. Lucia, where, after we had served afternoon tea to all present, we were very interested to see over this fine building. At the time of writing, the School Concert is close at hand, ·and all concerned are working hard, while preparations are -already under way :for School Day, on September 19th, to raise enough money so that work on the swimming-pool may be com- menced very soon. Finally, all pupils of the School extend to Mrs. McDonald, who was married last December, their very best wishes for her :happiness.

CURRENT EVENTS The first six months of this year have been amazingly full for all girls, but the remaining months promise to be even busier. The project to which most of our excess energy has been directed is our swimming-pool, and, thanks to the hard work of many people, this will soon be a reality. The site has been chosen-the present tennis-court below the Gym., and the pool is part of an overall plan which the Trustees have drawn up to cover all future major improvements. Everyone is working hard to raise money. The girls are filling cards which we hope will form a "Mile of Pennies", this being organised by Miss Dunn. Mrs. McDonald gave a picture evening on the l{)th April, and the Parents and Friends' Association held, at the school during the holidays , a successful card party, while other functions are being held in various suburbs. With such enthusi- astic support, our pool is rapidly approaching nearer.



Even without it, our teams excelled themselves in the Inter- school Swimming and Lifesaving Competitions held at the Valley Baths on the 7th March and the 3rd April, respectively, in both competitions gaining second place. We congratulate Somerville House, who won the Swimming Carnival; and St. Hilda's, who won the McWhirter CupJor life-saving. Our own



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