June 1950 School Magazine
GICICE"S Queensland's Leading c/Vfusic House Invites you to inspect their stocks of - PIANOS and PLAYER PIANOS . . . SHEET MUSIC . . • ROLLS . . . VIOLINS . . . RADIOS . . . GRAMOPHONES . . . RADIO· GRAMS ... RECORDS . . . BAND INSTRUMENTS VACUUM CLEANERS . . . ELECTRIC AP- PLIANCES KELVINATOR REFRIGERATORS. You can depend on getting the best in service and quality at . . GRice·s 90-92 QUEEN STREET, BRISBANE Branches at Toowoomba and Townsville
For all outdoor photography ring
Extra Cream for Extra nourishment during Winter Months ....
Goodwin St., Bulimba
Phone XL 2297
Weddings, groups, parties, etc .
Specialising in enlarg- ing and colouring.
"Extra Cream" ICE CREAM
Sporting c/V!en and Women Appreciate the honest value they obtain at the B.S.D. They realise too, thai the GOODS they buy cannot be bettered ANYWHERE WE CATER FOR EVERY GAME (Indoor and Outdoor) And our Stocks of TENNIS, GOLF, CRICKET, HOCKEY, CROQUET, BOWLS or BOXING MATERIALS, Etc., Etc. Are the Finest in Australia · MAIL ORDERS ARE SPECIALLY PROVIDED FOR CALL OR WRITE FOR FREE LISTS WE HAVE AN UNRIVALLED SERVICE FOR REPAIRS Expert Workmanship - Prompt Service - Best Materials· Brisbane Sports Depot l "For Everything Good in Sporting Goods" > 342 QUEEN STREET, BRISBANE ! Telephone: B 0654 Telegrams: "HUISGOOD," BRISBANE ~ ~~~ l S
A. Sparkes Pty. Limited MEAT SUPPLIERS
Oldest Established Business in Brisbane
LEICHHARDT STREET, Phone B 3261 (4 lines)
Branches : Wickham Street, Valley (Phone L 1889) Leichhardt Street (Phone B 4417)
Only Choicest of Meats Stocked
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