June 1950 School Magazine
June, 1950
BrisbC!lle Girls' Grammar Scho.ol Magazine
June, 1950.
Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Magazine
Senior Public Examination, 1949. Ke y to Subjects :- 1, English; 2, French; 5, Latin; S, Modern His tory; 9, Ancient Hi story, 12; Ma thematics I.; 13, Mathematics II.; 14 Chemistry; 15, Physics; IS, Zoology; 23, Art; 25, Music; 30, Latin-Inte rmediate; 33, Mathematics I.- Intermediate; 40, Physics-Junior. Bruce, Elizabeth A. Burnett, Jill K.
She will tend each one with kindness She w ill wash away the stain And her sympathetic finge rs Soon will calm each nagging pain. See ! far out into the darkness Of the everlasting sky A dim and distant planet W inks its t iny, fi ery eye . It is on our farthe st boundary For from thereon fades the sight But beyond that star, forever, Stretches on this Summer Night We shall never p robe those regions Our conceptions are too small; If by one all were regarded, We should not be seen at all. All our hopes and fears and passions Run a long a common course . We are linked one with a nother By a binding spirit force . Through the universe prevailing- It alone can hold us fast With impenetrable regions And the Future- and the Past.
l C, 2 C, S C, 12 C, 23 C. l C, 2 A, 12 B, l3 ,C, 14 B, 15 C. ! B, 2 B, 5 C, SA, 9 B, 12 C, 33 P . lC, l 2B, l3C, l4C. l C, 2 B, 9 C, 12 C, 23 B, 30 P, 33 P. l B, 2 B, 5 C, SA, 9 A, 12 C, 33 P, 40 P . l B, 2A, S A, l 2C, l 4B, lSB. l B, 2 B, 5 C, 8 A, 9 B, 12 A, 13 B. l C, 2 C, 5 C, 25 A, 33 P. l C, 2 C, 14 C, l8C. lC, 2 C, 12 C, 13 C, 30 P , 33 P . l B, 2 A, 5 C, S B, 9 B, 12 C, 23 C, 33 P . l C, 2 B, 12 C, 13 C, 14 B, 15 B, I S B. l C, 2 C, 12 C, 13 C, 14 B, 15 C, IS C.
Duff in, Margaret J. Harris, I. E. Joan .. Harr ison, Melva D. Jack, Malvene L. Kennedy, Ann E. Madden, Audrey Reedman, Alison G . Roberts , Norah E. W. Skoien, Petra A. . . Smith , Patricia M. \"!atkins, Pamela L. B. Woodgate, Barbara A . .
Junioi' Public Examination, 1949. Key to Subjects :-1, Engl ish; 2, Fre nch; 3, German; 6, Latin; S, English History; 9, Geography; 10, Arithmetic; ll, Algebra; 12, Geometry; 13, Chemistry ; 17, Physiology; I S, Art ; 19, Music; 20, Art of Spech; 26, Steno· typing. Abbott, Joan
l C, SC, 9B, ! DC, l 2C. l B, 2C, 6 C, SC, 9C, lOA, ll ,A, l2C, l9A. lB, 8C, 9C, llC, l7C, lSC, l 9B. l A, 2 A, 6 C, 8 A, 10 A. ll A, 12 C, 13 B. l B, 2 C, SA, 10 B, ll A, 12 C, 13 B, 18 B, 19 B. l C, S C, 9 C, 10 B, ll C, IS C. l A, 2 C, SA, 9 B, 10 C, ll C, 12 C, IS B. lB, 2 B, SA, 9C, lOB, llB, l 2 C, l 7A. lB, 2C, 9C, l OA. l l A, l2C, l SB. IC, SB, 9B, l OA, l lA. 12C, lS. B, 19A. l B, 8 A, 9 C, 10 B, ll C, IS B. I B, 8 C, l 0 C, 11 C, lS C. IB, 2B, SA, IDA, llB, 12C, l 3A, l7A. 20B. IB, 2C, SA. lOA, !!B, l2C, l3A, l7B. 1 B, SA, 9 C, 10 B, ll B. l A, 2 C, 6 C, SA, 10 B, 11 C, 12 B, 13 B, 20 B. 1 C, SA, 9 C, ll C, 17 B, IS B, 19 B. l B, 2C, SA, !DC, llA, 12B, l3C, l 7B, 19A. 1 A, 2 B, 6 B, SA, 9 A, 10 A, 11 A, 12 B, 19 A.
Alla n , Margaret Allison , Shirley Antcliffe, Janet Bannister, Betty Barrale t, Betty
Here, washed by the pure beauty Of the moon, so clear and white,
All earth reioices soft! y In the glory of this n ight.
Barry, Joan Bartlett, Joan Biggs, Barbara Birmingham, Margaret . Boshier, Barbara Bowman, Patricia Brown, Corrine Bubb, Judith Clapham, Joan Clemesha, Honora Collard, Lenore .. Colledge, Rhonda Cornwell, Bernice Cranley, Judith Cumming, Margaret
The grass w ith dew is pearly
In the starlight's magic charm; A thousand fairy gems reflect That radiance, b right and calm.
And the rustling leaves and rushes With the mystic light entwine, Casting fragile, trembling shadows In an intricate design. Here, behold a peerless wonder- Equa l none in sound or sight To the ear th at peace and resting On a clear Midsummer Night
l A, 2C, SA, l OB, ll B, l3C, 17C. l A, 2C, SB, lOB, l !C, l3C, lSB. l B, 8 A, 9 B, 10 A, 11 B, lS B. !A, 8 B, 9 C, 10 C, 17 C. l B, S C, 10 B, ll A, IS C, 26 B. l B, 8B, l OA, ll C, !SB. 19
Darling, Elsie Davies, Laurel Dillon, June .. Dixon, Marcene
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