June 1945 School Magazine

June. 194S

Brisbane 9'irls' Grammar School Ma gazine

On Sunday night we boarded the Adelaide train arriving there at eight thirty a.m. After breakfast we were driven around Adelaide, but we were considerably disappointed in it. Then we left at a quarter past one and arrived at Pt. Pirie at about four thirty that afternoon. Here we changed to the Transcontinental Train which is the best on the trip. On Tuesday night some passengers arranged an im- promptu concer t and on Wednesday we arrived at Kalgoorlie. Here we remained for three hours, b ut it rained all the time. preventing our sight-seeing. We were pleasantly surprised to find low herbage along the Transcontinental Line and it was not nearly as bare as we had been led to believe. We passed some Blacks who were very interested in the dining car from which apples and bones were thrown to them. We were very pleased to arrive in Perth where we were met by Dad who took us to the hotel where we. are now staying. I will tell you all about Perth whe n next I write you."

GIRLS of today must give thought to the HOME of the FUTURE.

The BathtooQJ. Beautiful is I appreciated by every woman When p lanning your home of th.e future or re- modelling your present b a th.room, let us help. We can supply you with the latest ideas in layouts and sanitary engineering together with all that is modern in Porcelain "'{are and fillings. WATSON BROS. PTY. LTD. 127-133 MARGARET STREET, BRISBANE

-Pam Newlyn, III.D.

BY THE SEA. When the tide is ebbing and the sun sinks low, That is the time for me; When the breeze Is b lowing and the shadows grow, I love to be by the sea. I love to sit on the golden sands Of some sunny Queensland beach, . And watch the waves as they break on the shore, And he= the sea.gulls screec;h. And I w onder, as they wing their way, _ If they know of the joy the y give; And I ponder, as I watch them fly Of the world and the peace they live . When the tide is ebbing and the sun sinks low. That is the lime for me; When the breeze is blowing and the shadows grow, I love to b e by the sea.


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