June 1945 School Magazine

June, 194&

Brisb ane G irls' Grammar School Magazine

June , 1945

Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Magazine

fot.ind among it queer, greenish seeds-and these are what we today drink as coffee. Legend, too, figures in Vienna's story. According to an ancient myth, a fearful monster inhabited the bottom of a certain well. Thence, occasionally, it ascended, and whoso- ever saw it, was turned to stone. Many may be sceptical of the truth of this-but. conclusive evidence is provided in the form of an ancient house which, to this day, bears pictorial record of the fearful event. Many of the old Churches have their own precious history. Chief amonq them is the "Stephanskirche". This is a splendid Gothic structure with a tall, graceful spire. In this hangs a large iron bell-so large, in fact, that it is too heavy for the tower, and hence can only be runq once a year, on New Year's Day. There should have been two spires, but one collapsed during its construction. National events took men's minds off the church, and, when it was decided to reconstruct the spire, the CKchitect had died. Thus to this day, there remains a small "stwnp", covered by a copper dome. Below the ground, too, the Stephanskirche is of interest. In the winding, dark catacombs are stacked hundreds of skulls. There repose the heads of many knights and kings, amid an atmosphere of chilly dark and silence. They, too, could tell many a legend about a city beloved for its music and song, whose history has b een so varied and picturesque. - T. Glesinger, V.B.


As It rea ches the shore . To dream Of sweet joy a nd sonq Alld long, long Days of dreaming ; To d re= Of long-vanished years, Forgotten tears , And empty fears. And ye t to dream- To dre= With the lazy surge , Upon the silent ve rge Of o ther lands-

To lie, Head on hand,

Prone in the sand, Eyes looking lozlly f rom HPu lo land, Wave s softly spill, Gurgle a nd swill, Green rock·ppols fill , Sun shining ha zily

O'e r blue.misted seas- Salt spray on the breeze That's l'lu!!e ting crazily Each while -crested horse , Bereft of its Ioree




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