June 1945 School Magazine


PLANNING Your Daughter's FUTURE For a small outlay-a mere few shillings a week you can en- sure that your daughter will have the money to go to Univer- sity-should she elect so to do. Or, you can ensure that, at 21, she will receive a sum which will give her a good start in life should she decide to marry or set up in business. You can arrange ,thai these ben efits will be hers even if you die meanwhile; even if you die a w eek after you arrange them. Le t us give you particulars today. Write or telephone 1 A .M.P . SOUIETY (lncorpor.:~tad in New South Wales) Queensland Board: L. C. Wi lson, Esq. , G.B., C.M.G., Chairman; R. M. Bell, Esq., Deputy Chairman; A. E. Moore, Esq.; ]. W. Fletcher, Esq., O.B.E. : Rodne y W: Macdonald, Esq. 1- G . Vickers, Man ager for Quoons land. Chief Office for Queensland : Cnr. QUEEN and EDWARD STS., BRISBANE


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