June 1941 School Magazine

lU:nir, . 194 f

Brisbane Girls ' Grammar Sch.ool Magazine

'Th.~ ·Solutio~ Qf the :ausiness Trainin·g Problem for your qqug):lter Stott Hoare & Dobell's ~U5INE$S CQLLEGE There is a constant de111and for our qualified students to fill positions in the leadin~ Business Houses of Brisbane Secretarial Course..; Individual Tuitio7D Shorthand, Typewriting, Book;keeping, Co~merci~l English, Arithmetic, Cqm.?tometer and Accounting Machine Tuition Also Specj~l Finishing _Classes for Students requiring the higher speed In Shorthand and Typ~writing . Correspondence Course -in all Commercial Subjects- as for particulars. Thorough Training all Office Roulii!e. Free Prospectus on application. Principal: {Miss) C. H. MARTIN Only Address : CREEK STREET, BRISBANE

I • • J• . ' '.' . . . - .. , SPORTS ASSOCIATION.

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President: Miss Lilley Secretary: D. McVinish

Vice-Pre sident: M1ss · Jones ,

Treasurer: S. Schemioneck Committee: Miss Elliott,--Mrs . Marshall , Mrs . Tully, M. Par~orrs, B. Baylis , M. Catt, D. McDonald, I. Jordan, A. Smith, A. Aland, N. Oliphant, E. Roden. BEANLAND :MEMORIAL LIBRARY. President: Miss Lilley Vice-President: Mrs. Jackson Secretary: J. .Stoodley Treasurer: M. Cat! Committee: M. Parsons, P. Bolge~, A . Smi th, D. Skelton, M, Southall, D. Wruck, R. Cox, J. Moorhead, ). Johnson, S. Wansborough . ,


D. IVIcVinish I. Jordan S. Schemioneck A. Smith

M. Parsuns B. Baylis M . Catt D. McDonald


IV.E.-0. Shepherd III .A.-V. Brown II!.B. - M. Freeman III.C. - E. Roden !II.D.-R. Lear Jl! E.-J. Massey I!!.F .~B. Bolger

VI.-IVI. Parsons V. - E. Richardson Commercial V.-,-A . Symons IV.A .-IVI . Campbell IV.B.-). Batchen

IV.C.- G . McManus IV.D. - G . Fairbrother


TENNIS COACHING .I lfi!prove your Tennis by taking lessons from Vine¢ Kelly. Queens- land's leading Tennis Coach and Professional. For your next new racket, re- strings or repairs go to Vince Kelly, the mos~ central Sport~> Store in Brj~~qne. VINCE KELLY ' . spp~TS Spf:~I~pST Al'fD TEI'm~s COA£::H 270 QPf:EN ST.. BRISBANE (Qpp. G.p.O.) Pho~es : B 4769, and J 3026

I. Jordan


E. Witcombe -B. Younq

A. Aland (Capt.) lVI. Blanshard M. Parsons

NET BALL TEAM. V. Pask N. Oliphon~ E. Vickers

QUEENSLAND CO~LEGE OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION Over 67 Schools and Colleges have been instructed by the Staff of this College Classes for Children Saturday mornings . THE APOLLO INSTITUTE OF PHYSICAL CULTURE DESMOND CHAMBERS, ADELAIDE ST.. BRISBANE Phone, B 82~~

D. McVfnish (Capt.) J. Hack M. Hynd H. Mackenzie

SWIMMING TEAMS. H. Hartigan J. johnson A. Lamhert M. McWilliam E. Mi tchdl E. Roden B. Wilson

D. Dunstan (Capt.) B. Brennan J. Caswell

M. Chalk S. Corrie A. Denniss G . Fairbrother A. Faroe


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