June 1940 School Magazine

Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Magazine

June, 1940

Many years of experience plus an un- paralleled stock of b ooks of all descriptions justify your confidence in t;JUr ability to provide you with the BOOKS you need.


You may rely on us to have ... The Right Books

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The days through which we are passing are days of stress. and anxiety and the problems which confront our political and military leaders are greater than those which have ever been experienced by their predecessors. The fortifications in which we put our faith have fallen before the onslaught of a mighty force and the citizens of our allied nations are, and will be, called upon to face trials which have been as yet unknown. The British and French nations have undertaken to main- tain the ideals which have made them great leaders in every realm of civilization, and this position they owe, among other things, to the value they have always attached to education. We ask what the result of this strife will be, and what can be our share in the responsibilities. Surely we can remain stead- fast in our faith-faith in our destiny, faith in our vocation for the advancement of higher civilization, and faith that the power of God will preserve righteousness and guide us towards our highest conceptions of this. Our School endeavours to implant within us an apprecia- tion of all the good which has been done for us and to make us aware of our obligations to the future . Steadfastness, fore- bearance, and courage will be required in the coming days and we shall not be wanting if we remember the purpose of our education.

"Brisban.e's Best .Bookstore"

107 Elizabeth Street

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-B.L., VI.

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